Amazing Body Features That We Might Only See Once in Our Lives

Published on 11/15/2021

Perfect Pitch

Absolute pitch, also known as perfect pitch, is the rare ability of a person to recognize or recreate a specific musical note without using a reference tone. A perfect pitch is found in one out of every 10,000 people.

Perfect Pitch

Perfect Pitch

Even so, it has recently been discovered that you can develop perfect pitch as an adult, though it will take a long time and a lot of practice. This is amazing!



Sleep is one of the most popular, as well as one of the most important, activities for the human body. As we get older, we begin to value sleep more and more. However, some people have difficulty sleeping. As your body requires sleep to thrive and survive, this can lead to a variety of complications.



Nevertheless, you may not be aware that there is a specific gene known as BHLHE41. You are genetically resistant to sleep deprivation if you have this gene. In other words, even if you’ve only gotten a few hours of sleep, you can reap the benefits of a full night’s sleep.