Here Are Some Pictures Of Animals That Proved They Have Their Own Logic

Published on 11/30/2021

Move Over

Why did you choose the room with the best view? These two cats are attempting to share a space that was designed for only one. It appears to be an uneasy situation to put yourself in, but what do we know?

Move Over

Move Over

Perhaps they just want to be close to each other and hang out while they watch the nature. They can converse without having to yowl excessively loudly in this way.


Simple Life

It doesn’t take much to make you happy. You’ve undoubtedly heard a lot of people talking about this on social media. This cat appears to have grasped the concept and put it into action.

Simple Life

Simple Life

Nothing is more tantalizing than that bag with the slight odor of Mexican goodness, but the little cutie has a perfectly good pad to chill on. That sounds great to us!