Half of the bathroom
When guests pay a high hotel rate, they often expect to get good value for their money. In reality, we don’t believe the guests will be impressed with this bathroom, regardless of how much they pay for it, even if it is free.

Half Of The Bathroom
The guests will most likely be dissatisfied that they will have to deal with this for the duration of their stay, and bathroom breaks will be a nightmare. They’ll have to hope that no one else accidentally opens the door, or they’ll be hurt.
Half-foot balcony
The way most hotel owners on this list get away with their pranks is something we’ve noticed. When he featured a balcony with a fantastic view, this hotel owner must have had guests dreaming, just like the pool table.

Half Foot Balcony
The majority of guests would have wished to have breakfast or their first cup of hot coffee on the balcony, but that was not to be. Technically, the balcony provides a great perspective of the area, but it is so small that it can hardly contain afoot.