How do you use it?
Certain hotel mistakes may make you wonder if the designer considered the user at all. On the other side, likely, the designer was just concerned with completing the task and was oblivious to the consequence.

How Do You Use It?
The best illustration of how poorly to design a functional bathroom is this one. It will not only give you physical agony to use it, but it will also bring you a lot of emotional stress just by looking at it. Even something as simple as hand washing will become a chore.
Is that Casper?
Have you ever seen a ghost? We’re talking about a real ghost. Most likely, you’ll say no, that you’ve only seen one in the movies, and that most of us can’t relate to it. It’s possible that you don’t believe in ghosts at all.

Is That Casper?
After returning to his hotel room from a tour of the town, this person’s perception was about to shift. If it had been dark, what turned out to be a joke would have given him a heart attack, but we’ll give the prankster extra points for creativity.