It Is Not Your Typical Diet
Unlike other diets, this plan does not have a lot of restrictions on what to eat. In general, it simply emphasizes eating fish and veggies. It also encourages folks to avoid dairy and gluten. The diet is more focused on habits. Dr. Maximilian Schubert is the medical director of VivaMayr. He shared a few critical aspects of the diet with Today. The guidelines simply involve drinking water between meals, chewing the food at least 40 times, avoiding snacks, and avoiding eating once it is past 4 or 5 p.m.

It Is Not Your Typical Diet
With A Focus On Gut Health
The Mayr diet also focuses on our gut health. The program’s habits are not meant to restrict dieters but help them repair the state of their gut and improve their relationship with food. For one, chewing more often helps them break down the food more. This then gives the gut an easier time. The brain knows when they are full as well! Dieters are also instructed to steer clear of distractions while eating.

With A Focus On Gut Health