WD 40 Uses That Are Mostly Unknown
When removing a stubborn screw, quieting a squeaky door hinge, or cleaning dirt from a jammed bolt, many people turn to WD-40. Was it ever brought to your attention that this miraculous solution can be used for a variety of other purposes? You may not have given WD-40 a second thought, but the photos we’re about to show you demonstrate that some people have done just that. What is the outcome of the situation? Some of the most inventive WD-40 applications that the majority of us have never considered. A list of the many uses for WD-40 has been compiled to entice you to visit your local hardware or tool store and pick up a bottle for your handy shed.
Stopping Records from Skipping
The resurgence of vinyl record collections and the issue of skipping past generations of music fans are both on the rise. Unfortunately, these irritating bumps make it difficult to listen to your music without becoming distracted, but WD-40 solves this problem without a hitch.

Stopping Records From Skipping
Given the ease with which the discs were scratched, vinyl records are notorious for skipping. Unfortunately, as any vinyl collector will tell you, even the tiniest mistreatment of the disc can result in it being damaged. If this happens, lubricate the disc with WD-40 before inserting it into the record player to solve the problem.
Unsticking Stuck Zippers
Inconveniently stuck zippers are a common problem for many people, especially those on their favorite, everyday backpacks. At this point, you realize that no amount of tugging will get your zipper to move, and you realize that your bag is no longer functional.

Unsticking Stuck Zippers
You can solve the problem with the help of your trusty WD-40. How? Apply a small amount to the zipper pull and wiggle it back and forth to distribute the product. It miraculously unsticks itself as it works its way into the jammed grooves of the zipper track.
Splinter-Proofing Wooden Handles
While wooden tools can be used for various tasks, they are trendy among DIYers and gardeners because of their durability. Unfortunately, if you use your favorite wooden tool for these (or any other) purposes, the handle will eventually wear out.

Splinter Proofing Wooden Handles
WD-40 can be used to seal in splinters and protect your tools, saving you from having to throw them away when they’re perfectly usable in other ways. After you spray it on and rub it in, you will notice that the wood’s smoothness will return in a matter of seconds. There will be no more inconvenient small cuts on your hands!
Hairbrush Cleaning
Unsurprisingly, dehairing a hairbrush requires so much time and effort that it is frequently left undone for far too long. But, if you are like us, you are sure there’s a better way… and there’s! You don’t need to wash excess hair with soap and water to remove it from your brush.

Hairbrush Cleaning
It is no longer necessary to wring the tangled strands of old hair from the bristles of your hairbrush, thanks to the use of WD-40. Instead, all you have to do is spray the brush with it and comb through it. Instead of using a brush, the strands should easily gather and be removed with a comb.
Crayon Marks Be Gone
If you have children, your walls were likely splattered with paint. This color is best described by rainbow swirls and twirls that are probably found on at least a few of the walls of your house. These crayons can change the look of a room completely and draw attention to an area that did not need it in the first place.

Crayon Marks Be Gone
It makes no difference to spend time trying to remove pencils with paper towels, cloths, and other materials from the walls; as you probably guess, it doesn’t work very well. So why don’t you use WD-40? A quick spray and a clean rag wipes in a matter of seconds.
Conditioning Leather Furniture
WD-40 is a miracle worker for a variety of issues. Believe it or not, it is also a well-known leather furniture agent. It can help protect the leather against cracking, sun damage, and everything else that comes with everyday life. As a result, you can extend the life and quality of your leather by using WD-40.

Conditioning Leather Furniture
With a cloth, massage WD-40 into the leather. This helps keep your couch or sleeve smooth, safe, and usable. Even if you’ve had it for a long time, it’ll appear as if you just brought it home. Do you plan on having visitors? Then, make sure you squirt on the leather couch some WD-40 to revive it.
Bird Feeder Protection
Anyone who has trees in their yard or lives near a forest has almost certainly heard the birds chirping, and you may even feed the birds regularly. Your bird feeder, on the other hand, is almost certain to attract hungry squirrels as well. So here’s an ingenious way to scare them away:

Bird Feeder Protection
Not only do these squirrels consume all of your bird food, but they also tend to destroy your feeder. As demonstrated by this resourceful individual, you can squirrel-proof your bird feeder using WD-40. Squirrels will be unable to climb the center pole if a layer is applied.
No More Grass Jams
Lawnmowers, even the most expensive ones on the market today, are prone to get stuck in the grass; it’s just a fact of life. Even though it is a completely normal problem, it is still aggravating. Maintaining a lawnmower is not only inconvenient but also time-consuming.

No More Grass Jams
Remove the grass chunks by hand after the mower has been turned off. You can imagine how aggravating this is for anyone with grass allergies… Is there an easy way to keep grass out of the way? WD-40. Before and after use, simply spray the beneficial substances on the mower’s bottom. Then, the problem has been fixed.
Killing Thistles
The gardener’s worst enemy, weeds, is always a threat. Some weeds, such as thistles, are visually appealing. The problem with these weeds is that they appear to grow at light speed, multiplying hourly. Thistles aren’t the kind of visitors you want in your yard, so get rid of them with WD-40.

Killing Thistles
Thistles are one of the world’s most unfortunate weeds. While they may appear appealing, their needles are likely to pierce your skin when you attempt to remove them. Therefore, why not simply kill them with WD-40? In addition, while plants can be majestic and beautiful in your garden, they are not the best to have around if they multiply.
Toilet Cleaning
Perhaps the most revolting, tedious, and time-consuming aspect of bathroom maintenance is cleaning the toilet. Even after scrubbing the toilet bowl with various high-end cleaners and chemicals, the toilet does not appear clean! How infuriating. Not to mention when visitors forget to clean up after themselves and leave a small gift in the toilet.

Toilet Cleaning
By incorporating WD-40 into your routine, you can halve the time required to clean your toilet. As a result, cleaning will take less time and effort, and the experience will be more enjoyable. Yet another outstanding toilet cleaner? Coke! However, do not combine the two, as this will result in disaster.
De-sticking Gum
Being unable to move because your shoes have become stuck to your feet is a horrible feeling. When this happens, you know you’ve picked up a piece of chewing gum. Gross! This is one of the most vexing sensations a person can experience.

De Sticking Gum
The further you walk, the more this gum becomes stuck, and by the time you get home, it is completely embedded. Is it going to be difficult to get rid of it? This is not the case with WD-40! Simply squirt the solution into the affected area and watch the gums fall away. Allow it to soak into the soles of your shoes before wearing them.
Banishing Lipstick Stains
Any make-up enthusiast’s collection would be incomplete without a selection of lipsticks. It has a distinct aesthetic appeal, and it is typically a mess-free product as well. However, if it gets on your favorite white shirt, you’re in big trouble because the shirt is a staining nightmare.

Banishing Lipstick Stains
If you don’t already have WD-40 on hand, your first stop should be the hardware store after discovering lipstick on your shirt. After saturating the stain with WD-40, it will become easier to remove the vibrant pigments by washing them in the washing machine.
Loosening Rings
Rings make excellent accessorizing pieces. They can bring out your unique style and make you feel like a million bucks. They can, however, get stuck on your finger even if they’re the right size! Although oil is preferable, WD-40 can also be used to loosen that ring.

Loosening Rings
The most common causes are water retention, circulation problems, or natural limb swelling during the night. In any case, having a ring stuck on your finger is a painful experience. To speed up the process (and reduce the amount of skin you rub off by tugging!), apply WD-40 to the ring and your finger.
Extending the Life of Shower Heads
In most bathrooms, you will need to replace the showerhead at some point in the future. The fact that showerheads break is unsurprising given how frequently they are utilized. In addition, cleaning out the dust and grime from the shower head’s holes can take an eternity at times because they become so clogged with dirt and grime.

Extending The Life Of Shower Heads
Needless to say, WD-40 is an excellent tool for extending the life of your household showerhead, which is currently far too short. WD-40 can help you extend the life of your shower head by a few months, whether you have an old model or a fancy new model with all the bells and whistles.
Removing Tar Stains
What are those unsightly black stains on the bottom of your car’s trunk? Have you ever wondered what they were made of? They’re tar stains, and they’re almost certainly the result of driving on tar roads. They make your car look filthy and battered, so why not fix it?

Removing Tar Stains
If you are bothered by these stains, you probably spent hours on your hands and knees scrubbing tar off the nether regions of your car. You probably have passed every possible method of removing tar in your head while doing so, only to find that none of them is as fast and easy as you wish. Except for WD-40, of course!
Separate Glassware
It expands when the glass is warmed up. As a result, glasses washed in the washing machine expand during the process. However, when they are stacked on the shelf, they cool and contract again. What is the outcome? Glasses are inconveniently stuck together. This happens to everyone, and it can be a pain to unstick them.

Separate Glassware
WD-40 will save the day again. Spray the product on your glasses and wiggle it gently – just ensure you hold on to them! They can be a little slick after being sprayed down. You don’t want to break a single glass (or three!), so pull gently.
Repairing The Appearance of Phone Screen Cracks
The possibilities are virtually endless when it comes to what WD-40 can fix. Did you know, however, that it can also be used to fix a broken phone screen? Yes, this is a viable option! In addition, it is effective in repairing minor scratches and cracks rather than being ineffective.

Repairing The Appearance Of Phone Screen Cracks
WD-40 won’t completely restore the screen (it can only do so much), but it will significantly improve the situation. Simply spray WD-40 on the screen and wipe it down with a clean, soft cloth to use it in this manner. The product will effectively fill in the cracks and smooth out the screen.
Keeping Scissors Squeaky Clean
If you have a creative string and enjoy a day of crafting, you probably have at least once encountered adhesive scissors. Unfortunately, whether you cut something with glue or open a frozen treat with your scissors in the middle of a craft project, your scissors can get quickly stuck.

Keeping Scissors Squeaky Clean
Maintain their cleanliness and residue-free appearance by polishing them with WD-40. Spray WD-40 on the blades to remove any sticky residue and make opening and closing the handles easier. Keeping WD-40 on hand in the kitchen is also a good idea for a quick fix on squeaky tools.
Slug Prevention
If you’re tired of slugs and snails destroying your carefully potted plants, WD-40 may come in handy (though we don’t recommend using it to kill the creatures). Instead, they simply assist in keeping them at bay so that they do not destroy the layout of your garden or your healthy plants.

Slug Prevention
The WD-40 odor repels slugs, snails, and other insects. All that’s left is to put it in the pot of your plant to keep them away. You can be as extravagant or as simple as you want; the quantity of each item is unlimited. Make sure you can tolerate the odor before applying!
Removing Cup Stains
Untreated rustic wood can give any home a charming cottage feel. Its only shortcoming is that it is prone to damage, particularly when water stains from cups and mugs present. Coasters were invented for precisely this reason! If no coasters are available, WD-40 will suffice.

Removing Cup Stains
This is where WD-40 will work wonders. Simply spray a small amount of the liquid onto the stain and continue cleaning as usual. You’ll be surprised at how easily the stain comes off the wood, leaving your table looking as good as the day you got it.
Cleaning Glue and Wax Off of Carpets
Have you ever accidentally spilled glue or wax on your carpet and cleaned it? If so, you probably know how difficult it can be to remove it without causing damage to your carpet or causing rug burn from kneeling on the ground. You’ve probably tried a variety of different removal methods over the years, all of which sounded good in theory but were a complete failure in practice.

Cleaning Glue And Wax Off Of Carpets
Although these annoying buggers can stay on your carpet for weeks at a time and are hard to remove, don’t be alarmed! The next time you run into this problem, WD-40 will work wonders, as it won’t damage your carpet while dissolving glue-like butter.
Dust Removal
In the summer, air conditioners are a blessing. They keep the house cool and the air clean, but they stop working when they become clogged with dust. These dust particles are inconvenient because they can clog up your home appliances, such as your air conditioner or vacuum cleaner.

Dust Removal
To begin cooling your home, you must first ensure that the filter is clean and dust-free. While you could manually clean the filter from time to time, you could simply apply a layer of WD-40 to it and let the greasy liquid prevent dust from sticking to it.
Mildew Removal
Everything about opening your old refrigerator and discovering a layer of mildew on the inside is repulsive. Mildew is not only unsightly, but it also emits a foul odor, so it should be removed as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the property.

Mildew Removal
You might be worried that your refrigerator is utterly unusable, but don’t be. If you have a can of WD-40 on hand, your mildew problem will be solved. All the unpleasantness is gone with a quick spray, a few minutes of sitting, and a wipe. Isn’t it simple and quick? It’s definitely worth the gamble.
Ice Breaker
Whoever lives in an area where temperatures fall below freezing in the wintertime often understands how uncomfortable it is to get up extra early to defrost their car windows. This is a must-do before driving to work or school with your children.

Ice Breaker
Suppose it was only a little easier to defrost the windows. Well, there’s a solution! Frozen WD-40 windows can be defrosted. In addition, you can prevent ice from developing by sprinkling down your windows and wiping off the excess, giving you a few additional minutes of rest.
Taking Lego Apart
There are several instances in which you want your Lego creations to remain forever. However, you would sometimes take them apart rather than put them together – but the pieces are stuck together! It takes time to remove the pieces one by one. But not anymore!

Taking Lego Apart
Why not get the job done quickly and without a hitch, rather than wasting an entire day attempting to unstick the stubborn pieces and eventually giving up? If that sounds appealing to you, WD-40 is the solution! Because of its greasy nature, it can unstick even the tightest fitting pieces.
Cleaning Dirty Piano Keys
Like anything else exposed to the elements and crevices and small cracks, Piano keys can become gunky and gross even if they are not used quite often. But, on the other hand, frequently used keys are even dirtier…talk about filthy!

Cleaning Dirty Piano Keys
To keep the sharp cords from falling flat, the product is sprayed between the keys to remove grime and gunk. It not only keeps you clean, but it also keeps you healthy by removing germs. To keep bacteria from settling in, clean your keyboard or piano regularly.
Keeping Silver Bright
When it comes to removing stuck screws or oily squeaky hinges, we can count on WD-40. However, you might not know that it can be used to restore the luster of your favorite silver goblet or pure silver bangles. Yes, it most certainly can.

Keeping Silver Bright
The simplest way to clean silver is with WD-40 and a gentle polishing cloth. No elbow or special polishes are required; all you need is a soft cloth and a liquid magic can. Your silver will look as good as new after this simple fix. There’s no need to go out and buy new silverware just to fix the ones you’ve got.
Detangling Fishing Lines
Nothing beats a weekend fishing trip after a long, monotonous week at work. You expect to find your fishing line and accessories neatly laid out as you left them when you open your tackle box, only to find that your fishing line has become a tangled mess of strings.

Detangling Fishing Lines
You’re probably going to throw the whole mess out, right? Something we’re all guilty of. Keep a WD-40 can in your tackle box and carefully untangle it with a pin after spraying it down. Voila! After seeing this quick fix, you’ll want to bring WD-40 on all your fishing trips.
Keeping Bugs Out of Car Grilles
Driving through the summer open space invites bugs to gather in the grill of your car. It is astonishing how fast they seem to accumulate, forming dense piles that look awful. Unfortunately, it also creates the illusion that your vehicle is a graveyard for insects.

Keeping Bugs Out Of Car Grilles
WD-40 can help you in removing any dead insects from your grille the next time you debug it. Then apply another layer the next time you go for a drive to keep it from sticking. While this may appear absurd, it actually works! You can also keep a bottle in your car in case there are any bumps.
Removing Old Snowboard Wax
Waxing your equipment is essential, as any winter sports enthusiast will tell you. To ensure a safe and enjoyable session, waxing your skis and snowboard is required. Surfboards are in the same boat as the rest of us. For good grip, surfboards must be waxed.

Removing Old Snowboard Wax
Nevertheless, after a while, the wax supposed to keep you safe begins to build up. Because this build-up can be dangerous, it’s crucial to remove old wax regularly. To cut through the layers of old wax, use WD-40 spray.
Preventing Wasp Nests
Do you have a fear of bees? What about gigantic wasps? If you get too close to a wasp nest, you’ll almost certainly get a heart attack. Don’t worry, though! With WD-40, you’re safe. They can also help with wasps and other insects that fly into your vehicle.

Preventing Wasp Nests
As if WD-40 already had insufficient uses, it can be used to prevent wasps from building nests. As we mentioned earlier, the odor of insects, including wasps, is like kryptonite. After spraying, WD is also waterproof and long shelf life. So you’ll have a foolproof way to keep wasps out of the cracks and crevices in your roof.
Waterproofing Chalk Masterpieces
It’s improbable that you’re a chalk artist. Even if your best chalk drawing has never won a talent contest, it’s safe to say you’re disappointed when you go out and discover the previous night’s rain has washed away your painstakingly drawn chalk masterpiece.

Waterproofing Chalk Masterpieces
If you want to keep your chalk drawing more than a night, invest in a bottle of the favorite multi-purpose product, WD-40. A layer applied over your completed chalk drawing waterproof effectively. Isn’t that an ingenious ruse? You can teach your friends, who enjoy chalk art, this neat little hack.
Restoring the Appearance of Lawn Furniture
Now that the snow has melted and the temperature outside has increased, it’s time to break out the trusty plastic lawn chairs. They were vibrant and spotless when you first purchased them, but you notice they are beginning to show signs of damage after years of use.

Restoring The Appearance Of Lawn Furniture
Although their appearance has no bearing on their stability, you can’t help but notice how bad they look. However, do not be concerned that the state of your outdoor furniture will turn off your guests. They can be restored to their original appearance with a quick wipe down with WD-40.
Barnacle Removal
Barnacles get stuck on boats all the time, and you’ve probably wondered how they get rid of them. Boat owners are familiar with barnacles, a crustacean species. Barnacles, like snails, are often found in large numbers, resulting in multiple zeros. However, they are completely harmless on their own.

Barnacal Removal
However, they’re a huge pain on boats. They can grow into the hull of the boat, calcify and make removal almost impossible. In addition, a large group can slow the boat down, which requires more gas to propel it. WD-40 is an excellent barnacle remover.
Taking Care of Rust
Likely, the first thing that comes to mind when you see rusted tools is to throw them away. But hold on a sec! Consider reaching for the WD-40 before you toss your rusted-over tools or yank the rusted-over lock off of your garden shed door.

Taking Care Of Rust
When it comes to tools that appear to be beyond repair, you’d be surprised at how well WD-40 breaks down and removes rust. Its rust-prevention abilities, on the other hand, aren’t restricted to the shed. No, it can also be used to de-rust your kitchen knives and appliances!
Lubricating A Shovel
The arrival of spring has been signaled! It’s hard to think of a better time to start a home garden than right now. To be more specific, right now. You take your shovel outside and try to dig into the dirt with it. It doesn’t work. You realize how difficult the task at hand will be within seconds of starting it.

Lubricating A Shovel
Rather than breaking every bone in your back digging up the alarmingly solid dirt, use WD-40. Spray it on the blade of your shovel before you begin digging. By employing this technique, your shovel should have an easier time piercing the dirt, and once on your spade, it should roll right off.
Removing Annoying Price Tags and Stickers
Price tags and stickers are frequently applied to various parts of products by manufacturers throughout the manufacturing process. As a result, it is possible to get a sticker on almost anything you buy at the grocery store. Books, dishes, DVDs, and toys are all examples of items that can be labeled.

Removing Annoying Price Tags And Stickers
We take pleasure in the challenge of removing a stick without breaking it. However, we are not interested in the sticky residue that is frequently left behind. You may be wondering what steps can be taken to resolve the issue. Obviously, WD-40! All that is required is to spray, remove, and wipe.
Tile Cleaning
Even though cleaning your shower or floor tiles can be a time-consuming task, if you value your sanity as well as the cleanliness of your home, you will recognize that it is necessary. There is no reason for you to feel like Cinderella throughout the process, even if it is necessary to do so.

Tile Cleaning
Instead of breaking out the toothbrush and leaving tile imprints on your knees, use WD-40 to remove the grout and grime from the tiles. Simply squirt the area with a squirt bottle and then clean it with soap and water. Anything else left on the tiles (for example, nail polish) will be removed as well.
Cleaning Dirty Shoes
One of the first items to accumulate dirt and grime is sneakers. Unfortunately, they are also one of the first things to become permanently stained, but what if there was a way to get the stains out without damaging your shoes?

Cleaning Dirty Shoes
Simply pulling and scrubbing your unclean old Nikes with WD-40 will make it as clean as it was when it was initially produced. Not quite… But you get the idea! Of course, that’s not the only way to keep your shoes flawless, but it works!
Fishing Lure Enhancement
Are you fed up with your old WD-40 that can be taking up space in your shed? Then, remember to bring it with you the next time you go fishing! It’s amazing how much WD-40 can increase your chances of catching a big fish. This is because WD-40, while not a bait, can be used to help attract fish.

Fishing Lure Enhancement
This resourceful fisherman has begun using the product to polish his lures, making them shinier and more appealing to passing fish due to his discovery. However, because WD-40 is toxic to wildlife, we do not recommend using it in this application.
Erasing Water Stains
Have you ever wondered how something that should keep you clean can become so filthy in such a short time? Draining and sanitizing the bathtub and shower doors has been determined to be a task best left to someone with a lot of patience using this logic and reasoning.

Erasing Water Stains
It takes longer than we want to scrub water stains and needs more elbow grease than we want. Fortunately, WD-40 can be used as a quick fix. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up a can of WD-40 when you have the chance.