40+ Moments When Facebook Mom Groups Spread Useless Advice

Published on 11/17/2021
40+ Moments When Facebook Mom Groups Spread Useless Advice

40+ Moments When Facebook Mom Groups Spread Useless Advice

When we want to share funny memes or advice, we go to social media. As a result, many platforms, such as Facebook, now provide groups for people with similar interests. Mom groups are one of the most popular types of groups. We had to share some of what we saw with you because it was so useless and hilarious. Enjoy!

Millenial Names

You’re always envious of other kids with unusual names when you’re a kid with a common name. On the other hand, going a little too far can backfire. As you look for unusual names for your children, keep this in mind.

Millenial Names

Millenial Names

This person asked for suggestions and received a flood of them. This was one of our favorite suggestions! Can you imagine Neon as a child? We can’t because it shouldn’t exist to begin with.

Please Be Kidding

Although the decision to circumcise or not to circumcise your child may not appear to be a common one, it is. Sometimes this procedure is done as part of a religious ceremony, and other times it is done solely for medical reasons.

Please Be Kidding

Please Be Kidding

Though many people disagree about circumcision, we can all agree that it should not be done at home by someone who is not qualified. This appears to be a project where some prior experience would be beneficial. If not, things could quickly spiral out of control!

Watch Your Step

Even though we’re not passing judgment on other parents’ methods, when something like this happens, a little common sense goes a long way. The oil will be ineffective if your child has had a concussion. While this may alleviate discomfort, the underlying issue is internal.

Watch Your Step

Watch Your Step

Unsure what to do, this mother turned to social media for help from other mothers. Fortunately, the other mothers were more rational and advised her to take the child to the hospital.

Trying to Stay Positive

Every one of us has dreams, and those dreams sometimes necessarily entail sacrifice. When making sacrifices, however, it is critical to ensure that they do not cause harm to anyone.

Trying To Stay Positive

Trying To Stay Positive

In this case, taking money from your child’s college fund would seem to be a little irresponsible. We’ll try to maintain a positive outlook and cross our fingers that this business venture succeeds. This poor kid will be saddled with college debt for the rest of his life unless something is done.

An Oil Obsession

No one can be forced to use homeopathic remedies, just as no one can be forced to use anything else. This mother, unfortunately, appears to be overly enthusiastic about her son’s use of essential oils.

An Oil Obsession

An Oil Obsession

Let’s see how many times this woman mentioned the word “oils” in her Facebook post. Have you completed your calculations? We won’t say what the answer is out of respect for those who are still waiting, but it’s safe to say that this woman is obsessed with oil.

Out of Body

After being involved in a tragic event or accident, many people have reported having out-of-body experiences. It is certain to be true because there are so many accounts of it.

Out Of Body

Out Of Body

This story, on the other hand, is so captivating that this woman remembers her experience from such a young age. What drove this woman to tell this story? We’re curious and want to learn more about this.

Mini Her

People’s minds can play tricks on them when they think about their significant other’s past. As a result, insecurities can arise when a child from a previous relationship enters your life.

Mini Her

Mini Her

This woman, on the other hand, appears to be overly sensitive and on the verge of losing her mind. Allow the poor guy to boost the self-esteem of his precious girl! We are certain that it has nothing to do with his ex and everything to do with his love for his daughter.

Ranting Away

You usually want to brag about your child’s accomplishments when you start talking about them. You know… they’re so smart, so talented, and so forth! We don’t usually expect that from mothers, so imagine our delight when we saw this post.

Ranting Away

Ranting Away

They all appear to be aware of their children’s knowledge gaps. We recognize that being concerned about your child’s development is natural, but we disagree with the way in which it is expressed. The children who have been discussed will be upset if they see this.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Every parent has the right to raise their child in their own way, but they must do so with grace and respect.Some people are against vaccinations and the use of medications, for example. It’s possible that this is due to religious or ideological concerns.

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Nevertheless, sharing this on social media will result in a barrage of heated and potentially hostile debates. As a result, unless this person wants a lot of backlash and comments, we recommend that they avoid the great vaccine debate.

Bad Moms Club

The Corona Virus has wreaked havoc on the world we live in, and it continues to do so. It may appear to some as “nothing more than a cold,” but it can be fatal. As a result, when it comes to spreading the virus and infecting others, we must proceed with extreme caution.

Bad Moms Club

Bad Moms Club

Even though this mom wasn’t offering advice but rather using this platform as a confessional, we chose to include it to show how irresponsible adults can be. Nails and lunch over a sick child? Come on!

Boycott Wanted

Any online store that sells underwear or bikinis will almost certainly have images of women wearing them. It’s not considered inappropriate, but rather expected, if that’s what you’re looking for.

Boycott Wanted

Boycott Wanted

So when we saw this mother’s rant about wanting to boycott Target because the photos showed too much skin, we were taken aback. Lady, take a deep breath and hold it in.


Sharing this with a Facebook group seems strange. It’d be fascinating to learn how they arrived at this conclusion. Did someone comment on their five o’clock shadow? If that is the case, they may simply need to improve their shaving technique.

Hair Gate

Hair Gate

A comment left on this post says that being fed baby formula could lead to thickened facial hair… This one makes us shake our heads and shrug our shoulders. Face hair will never be the same for us again, thanks to these women!

Motherly Advice

A wide variety of ideas are circulating about the best ways to proceed. Unfortunately, not all of them are tried, tested, and proven to be effective. Most people tend to be on the ‘huh’ side of things.

Motherly Advice

Motherly Advice

This woman offers advice from a mother of three children. We don’t care how many children this other woman had; this piece of advice is unsanitary and disgusting. Please do not spread this!

Get Your Facts Straight

You will always find that one village idiot who speaks out of sheer ignorance, no matter what online group you are a member of. But, unfortunately, it’s just something that’s going to happen, and we’re learning to accept it now!

Get Your Facts Straight

Get Your Facts Straight

So, telling the dummy that they won the “Stupidest Comment on the Internet” isn’t going to solve anything except possibly make this person feel bad about themselves. Rather, politely correct them and move on to more important matters.

Buy, Sell, Steal!

When your mother told you, “honesty is the best policy,” try to keep this in mind. To be honest, we still stand by this statement, but if you intend to post criminal statements on social media, then we will deny this statement.

Buy, Sell, Steal!

Buy, Sell, Steal!

She then gave out her phone number and other personal information, in addition to talking about stealing gifts. Now, if something goes wrong, everyone will know where to look for this individual. She unquestionably takes the prize for being the most likely criminal.

Not How That Works

When it comes to the entire procreation process, there are some basic rules to follow. Unfortunately, it appears that some schools have failed to cover it adequately, and as a result, children grow into adults with significant gaps in their foundational knowledge.

Not How That Works

Not How That Works

To clarify for anyone who is still perplexed, you can have relations while pregnant, but there is already someone inside the uterus. This means you can’t get pregnant if you’re already carrying a child. So the case is now closed!

Folk Remedies

Throughout history, superstitions and a lack of understanding of science have resulted in some remedies. Thus, even though we are all fairly modern nowadays, some still exist and are passed down.

Folk Remedies

Folk Remedies

We can’t say for sure, but we hear it’s pretty popular among the mommy groups. Not only does it seem sketchy, but we’re not entirely convinced it actually works.

Cruel Punishment

It is the parent’s responsibility to correct and, if necessary, punish their children when they misbehave. It is critical, however, that the punishment is both just and constructive. Children, after all, do not deserve to be scarred for life.

Cruel Punishment

Cruel Punishment

Some parents, it turns out, prefer a harsh, cruel approach to discipline. This mother is so determined to teach her son a lesson that she is willing to ruin his Christmas. Lady, you need to tone it down a notch!

A Soy-Riddled World

Fashion evolves alongside the passage of time. So while we understand why people of a previous generation may be offended by how some people dress today, we don’t understand the reasons given by this commenter.

A Soy Riddled World

A Soy Riddled World

It’s a little strange how soy or tofu has influenced parents’ ability to manage their children’s fashion choices. But, according to our research, tofu is a great vegan and vegetarian substitute and has nothing to do with Satan.

Say No to Halloween

Every individual has the right to practice his or her own religion and belief. With that in mind, some great battles are often fought by people who say bad things about other people’s beliefs on social media.

Say No To Halloween

Say No To Halloween

Has anybody ever wondered what happened to the phrase ‘love thy neighbor?” People who get too offended by others’ viewpoints and personal views need to get off their high horses, take a chill pill, and let everyone else have their fun!

What’s in Pizza?

We don’t know what this mother is implying, but it doesn’t sound good. It’s perfectly normal for children to act rambunctious and energic after eating pizza. It’s one of the most delectable foods available, and it has the power to turn people’s frowns around.

What's In Pizza?

What’s In Pizza?

That means three people sent the laughing emoji in response to this post, which makes sense because of this post. But, to tell you the truth, we would laugh because it’s a completely senseless and childish thing to do.

New Years Cheer

Everyone needs to set goals for themselves, and this lady has a long list! She appears to be adamant about living her life her way, but why did she post this in a mommy group? If you ask us, this appears to be an attention-seeking move.

New Years Cheer

New Years Cheer

This would have been acceptable if she had inquired about how to deal with her children’s disagreements. Perhaps she’ll figure out how to help her children deal with their own personal beliefs. Instead, however, it appears to be nothing more than a pointless rant.

Rules of Engagement

The bane of our existence is passive-aggressiveness. So, after a particularly heated and serious argument, you might want to take a break from social media for a while. You won’t be tempted to write snarky posts like this one that way.

Rules Of Engagement

Rules Of Engagement

While we all know that the parent has more knowledge in most cases and thus is correct, this is not the case here. This mother requires some acceptance training as well as a break from Facebook. Don’t you think so?

Age Is Just a Number

Parents seem to enjoy counting their children’s ages in months for far too long when they are young. This may be a controversial viewpoint, but we believe they should be referred to as a year old once they have completed a full cycle around the sun.

Age Is Just A Number

Age Is Just A Number

This is precisely what this individual was attempting to convey with this meme. But, on the other hand, criticizing young parents is a disaster waiting to happen, so let the debate begin!

Gender Stereotypes

There are numerous preconceived notions about what is appropriate for a female and what is more appropriate for a male. It makes no difference whether it’s a different shade of clothing or a different type of toy. What truly matters is what you believe.

Gender Stereotypes

Gender Stereotypes

However, if you seek advice, you will have to sift through a deluge of it. As a result, when we saw this post asking if a kitchen set is “too girly” for boys, we knew exactly what was coming…

Your Presence Is a Present

Teachers are both lifesavers and the future’s lifeblood. They spend nearly as much time with your child and guide them through adulthood as parents do. Therefore, do they not deserve an occasional gift?

Your Presence Is A Present

Your Presence Is A Present

That is entirely up to you, but there is absolutely no harm in doing so. To be honest, it doesn’t even have to be large. Simply something to show your gratitude. As for this feisty commenter, we would also join the angry emoji group if we were in this group.

Off the Wall Names

When you are searching for the perfect name for your child, it can be a challenging process. You want to make it unique, but you don’t want it to be too unique that people will easily mispronounce or misspell it.

Off The Wall Names

Off The Wall Names

We believe that this soon-to-be mother previously rejected the majority of these names. So what could be more unusual than giving your child the names Thelonious or Sycamore? On a side note, we’re big fans of Sky or Raine.

Fish Tank of Toys

You can’t always get rid of things because you’ve grown attached to them. However, if your child sees this, they may pick up the habit as well. As a result, there is a slew of hoarders living in the house.

Fish Tank Of Toys

Fish Tank Of Toys

This fish tank illustrates how to determine when it’s time to channel your inner Marie Kondo and begin decluttering. If you’re unfamiliar with her, she’s a well-known organizing consultant. Consider purchasing one of her numerous organizational books!

Each to Their Own

Who else is curious as to what was number one? Anyway, what was the point of this post in the first place? Each parent has the right to raise their children according to their beliefs, but why are you required to post about it?

Each To Their Own

Each To Their Own

This post does not seem to provide much value to us. Well, unless you are trying to launch into a lengthy argument over whether those values determine the qualities of a good parent.

The Great Vaccine Debate

Some things are simply unavoidable in life. The sun will shine, taxes must be paid, and mothers will argue about vaccine safety. So, in terms of this debate, we’ve pretty much heard everything.

The Great Vaccine Debate

The Great Vaccine Debate

That is until we discovered that this mother was looking for proof that vaccines cause autism. So what’s going on here? We’re just as perplexed as you are. Where do people get some of their ideas from? We’re going to have to put a ‘fake news’ stamp on this one.

Don’t Look or Touch

When it comes to strangers, it’s difficult to know where to draw the line. It is natural for people to want to interact with a cute baby in some way when they see one. It doesn’t matter if you’re making faces or talking to them.

Don't Look Or Touch

Don’t Look Or Touch

However, there is a level of concern that you must have in this world. As it relates to what you are most comfortable with, you must find that balance on your own.

Wizard Meds

There are many mothers out there who swear by homeopathic remedies for everything. This is a naturalistic approach, which is perfectly acceptable. However, some of the recipes can be a little long, strange, and complicated for us.

Wizard Meds

Wizard Meds

As far as we are concerned, we don’t really use the term “wizardry,” but it’s obvious why some people might feel that way. So despite everything I’ve said, you might as well give it a shot! You might even exceed your expectations.

No Debate Necessary

Some posts are simply incomprehensible. Or perhaps they appear to respond to their own questions, such as this one. Nevertheless, documentation is beneficial in various ways, and this individual has a list of them.

No Debate Necessary

No Debate Necessary

Even so, this mother is hesitant to join in. Why bother making a post if you’re not going to consider other people’s opinions? To us, it appears to be a waste of time.

Advice From Karen

If something is wrong with your child, you should seek medical advice rather than turning to your local Facebook mommy group. However, when this woman was concerned about her daughter’s pain, she went with the latter option.


Until this Colloidal silver enthusiast slipped into the conversation, everyone had the same advice. Instead of wasting time, just take your child to the doctor, as the answer was obvious. Oh, and don’t listen to the woman with the silver prescription.

Mom Life

Moms will occasionally post to support groups on the internet. You know, just to make sure they aren’t the only ones who face difficulties. Things like having to work three times as hard after taking a sick day deserve to be recognized.

Mom Life

Mom Life

This mom chose to do it in the form of a meme, and we do not doubt that it was widely shared. Remember to be grateful for all the selfless things our mothers do for us, everyone reading this!

Late Night Cravings

Some days are tough, and the only way to make them better is to raid the pantry while the rest of the family is sleeping. We can’t say we blame this mother for her sweet tooth.

Late Night Cravings

Late Night Cravings

As you can see, our only comment is a mere suggestion – next time you want to commit the crime of eating your child’s chocolate eggs, try to replace the box before anyone discovers it!

Tell Me More

It must be difficult to be a mother. You must listen to long, often boring stories with no plot or exciting conclusion. Furthermore, you must act as if you genuinely care. It’s like being a Hollywood actress all of the time.

Tell Me More

Tell Me More

With a few moments of consideration, it was clear that an award show was created, especially for all the mothers. It’s reasonable to conclude that they are more deserving of praise and awards than anyone else.

Just Do It!

When you become a mother, you are faced with a slew of new responsibilities. Unfortunately, some of those chores are unappealing and downright disgusting. Doing laundry for little ones who haven’t been potty trained, for example, does not appear to be a walk in the park.

Just Do It!

Just Do It!

So we can see why this mother is having such a conflicted conversation with herself. That said, she should probably keep her inner monologue to herself rather than broadcasting it to the world.


Many parents enjoy living up to certain stereotypes. For example, we like to let kids believe in magic and that anything is possible, from the Easter Bunny to the Tooth Fairy. Unfortunately, however, we forget to be sneaky about it from time to time.



You may be caught in the act in those situations, destroying your child’s belief. So, what are your options? We recommend that you follow this woman’s lead and share the story with a mommy Facebook group for our amusement.

Working Out the Punchline

So, everyone talks about how funny dads are, but what about moms? It exists, and it can be a lot more amusing than you think. That is after it has been fine-tuned, of course. This woman may have been trying to do just that.

Working Out The Punchline

Working Out The Punchline

You know, throw it out there and see what kind of feedback you get. A mommy Facebook group appears to be the perfect place to do this. And, so that you know, the woman who wrote this needs a lot of work on her joke.

Express Yourself

It isn’t easy to teach your children how to express their emotions positively. This may necessitate enlisting the assistance of a professional. Unfortunately, this was also the case with this poster.

Express Yourself

Express Yourself

Is it just us, or are the majority of the emotions shown here angrier? We recognize that we all have bad days, but we’d like to see more smiles and fewer frowns. Someone should tell this kid that being angry will result in more wrinkles in the future!

Bugs Over Pizza

When you talk to kids, it is hard to get them to use logic. On top of that, a lot of the rationalizations they offer don’t make any sense. So when parents catch on, raising them becomes a lot easier.

Bugs Over Pizza

Bugs Over Pizza

Bugs are more enticing to this girl than pizza! That is so strange to us that we can’t comprehend it. Isn’t it true that all children enjoy pizza? Why doesn’t the mother just ask her why? Perhaps her logic will make sense! Or not; who knows these days with kids, right?

What’s in This?

So, these parents have a serious problem. We’ve all heard stories about moms and dads who can’t cook, but this seems like a recipe for disaster. Oh, and it’s also quite disgusting.

What’s In This?

What’s In This?

Right? Whoever gave this parent this piece of advice had to be joking, right? However, it is entirely on the shoulders of these parents that they took them at face value and implemented them.

Learning to Tell Time?

Sleep becomes a rare commodity once you become a mother because raising children is demanding work. This mother’s reluctance to get out of bed before her alarm went off is understandable. The kid, on the other hand, could be her alarm.

Learning To Tell Time?

Learning To Tell Time?

In this situation, we believe we would also take the time to teach our children how to tell the time. This way, hopefully, it won’t happen again, and Mama will be able to rest.

Egg in a Sock

Parents will go to any length to get their teething children to sleep when they are teething. There are a few unusual folk remedies included in this list. Isn’t there an egg in the sock above the door?

Egg In A Sock

Egg In A Sock

This isn’t the first time a mother has given you this strange remedy. We had never heard of this method before joining mom groups. However, you’d be surprised at how much you can learn from them!