Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

Published on 01/07/2022
Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

Check Out These 25 Funniest Sports Moments Ever Captured On Camera

When it comes to their sport, athletes are generally quite good at what they were doing. After all, it is through performance that they earn their living. Of course, they are still human, and no matter how good a person may be, all humans make mistakes at some point in their lives. While on the other hand, some incidents are simply the result of bad luck and cannot be avoided no matter how hard someone tries. These kinds of incidents are fortunately frequently captured on video for us internet users, and we can now laugh about them in a relatively lighthearted manner: that’s exactly what we’ll be doing here!

Just Before Diving

Just Before Diving

With regard to a funny picture taken during a water sports competition at the most inopportune moment, we have this one. Assuming this picture was taken just before they dove into the water, they’re making those faces because they’re nervous. Gasping for air, do we think? Photographers must have caught the athletes in mid-motion, as evidenced by the bizarre poses they have managed to capture. One would be surprised at the strange things they see if they observed every single pose a person adopts while moving about.

Strange Position

Wrestling is full of bizarre situations. We have no idea how something like this could happen. Was this a mistake or a mishap? Is it possible that this was done on purpose? We find both options ridiculous.

Strange Position

Strange Position

Although the situation can be amusing, it can also be confusing at the same time. In any case, it’s worth at least raising an eyebrow about what these athletes might be up to, whether on purpose or not.

Read It Backwards

Holding a sign the wrong way is one of the most embarrassing mistakes you can make. In the end, you look ridiculous because everyone can see that you’re holding it incorrectly and you’re oblivious to it.

Read It Backwards

Read It Backwards

A person’s obliviousness in such images is, in our opinion, one of their greatest flaws. They’re so naive and innocent, they don’t even realize that everyone is laughing at them or even know why.

Just Hang A Bit More

Gymnasts and acrobats may be on par with figure skaters when it comes to grace under pressure, but they make mistakes, too, just like everyone else. If they’re making it look easy, it probably isn’t going to be!

Just Hang A Bit More

Just Hang A Bit More

Just because some of the best gymnasts fall off the beam doesn’t mean that everyone else does, and that’s what makes it so amusing for us non-professionals.

The Right Reaction

It’s inevitable that something like this will happen in a game that involves a lot of kicking and throwing. Soccer players have a strange proclivity for fabricating injuries, but when something like this occurs, it’s unlikely to be a hoax.

The Right Reaction

The Right Reaction

As much as we know not to, we can’t help but laugh at the image of the man in the hospital bed with a swollen and bruised face. There is nothing we can do about it.

Ball To Ball

Keeping a male player’s private parts safe is a crucial piece of equipment in any and all sports. Why? Of course, for the reasons stated above. You never know where a ball is going to land when you throw it.

Ball To Ball

Ball To Ball

Even the best pitchers make mistakes, and wearing protective gear is a much better option in these situations! We’re able to come up with a pretty amusing picture out of it.

Accidents Take Place

This picture is an excellent illustration of the phenomenon known as things that are amusing solely because they appear to be something else. Assuming that no one actually punched this poor baseball player, we’d say that this was an accident. Even if someone just wanted to punch someone in the face for no reason, it would still be crazy.

Accidents Take Place

Accidents Take Place

Most likely, this was just an unfortunate accident that resulted in this player being punched in the face, but either way, it was a pretty funny thing for everyone to witness.

That Must Have Hurt

Although track running is not a sport that many people consider to be particularly dangerous, accidents do occur on a regular basis. Unfortunately for the athletes, some of those mishaps turn out to be quite amusing as a result. Of course, this is advantageous for us.

That Must Have Hurt

That Must Have Hurt

After all, we end up with this hilarious picture of an unknown athlete slamming into a hurdle face first, which we can all laugh about. We feel sorry for them, but we can’t help but laugh at their expense. At the very least, athletes can erase their embarrassment by improving their performance the next time around.

So Close!

Even the best athletes, despite their excellent hand-eye coordination, can drop the ball from time to time. And when that occurs, the ball has a good chance of hitting you in the face. And if that occurs, the athlete is likely to make a very amusing expression.

So Close!

So Close!

No one wants to laugh at someone who has been hit in the face by a volleyball, but keep in mind that pain is always amusing as long as it doesn’t happen to you or your friends.

Dunk That Ball

Basketball involves a great deal of dunking, though the majority of it is physical in nature. Despite this, much of it can be interpreted as metaphorical. Things like this are of the metaphorical variety, and we don’t think we need to go into too much detail to explain what we mean by that.

Dunk That Ball

Dunk That Ball

We believe that basketball is the sport with the greatest risk of this type of incident occurring because of the amount of jumping that occurs during the game. A very unfortunate hazard that comes along with the territory, to put it bluntly.

Tumble Down

When you consider all of the jumpings and running around that athletes have to do, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that they get knocked down every now and then. In most cases, such humiliating slips and falls result in some pretty amusing situations that we can all laugh at.

Tumble Down

Tumble Down

We don’t have a lot of room to laugh, though, because those athletes are frequently performing feats that we could never hope to achieve. Nonetheless, it is acceptable to laugh at such antics as long as you maintain a respectful attitude toward their abilities at the same time.

They’re Piling Up

Cycling is also rife with humiliating mishaps, which are all too common. In fact, such incidents can be extremely humiliating, because the majority of them are the result of a single individual’s error. Consider what it would be like to be the cyclist who was involved in the crash that resulted in the pileup you see here!

They're Piling Up

They’re Piling Up

That’s the price one pays for being a step or two ahead of the pack and then making a mistake. If you’re in the back and make this mistake, no one will notice you’re there. When things go wrong for athletes who are in the spotlight, they are humiliated to a greater extent.

Too Fast

Figure skaters are considered to be the most graceful athletes in the world when compared to the majority of other sports. If anything, when they make a clumsy mistake, it makes it even more humiliating. Unfortunately, even professional figure skaters are subjected to these types of situations from time to time.

Too Fast

Too Fast

The cause of this incident is unclear; it’s possible that the figure skater simply lost control and couldn’t stop themselves. Whatever the case, we’re sure they had a difficult time getting over it.

Is It A New Move In Skating?

While we’re on the subject of figure skaters and their occasional but hilarious flops, check out this one, which looks a lot like someone dancing in the 1970s. The expression on her face says it all: she is well aware that she has made a mistake and is genuinely concerned about the outcome.

Is It A New Move In Skating?

Is It A New Move In Skating?

She was probably the most embarrassed about tripping over in front of such a large group of people in the aftermath of the incident. We’re laughing because it’s a funny picture, but we have to admit that we feel a little sorry for her. There’s no way anyone would want to be in her shoes at that point in time.

Get Outta There!

Falling over while running on the track is never a good thing, but the location of your fall can have a significant impact on how bad it is. It’s similar to the cycling analogy we discussed earlier: falling in the back isn’t so bad, but falling in the lead is a recipe for disaster!

Get Outta There!

Get Outta There!

This unfortunate track runner appears to have flopped in front of a large group of runners who were following her, which appears to be a bad situation. Also, it’s kind of funny, but it’s not good. We can only hope that all of those athletes were able to leap over her or that she rolled out of the way fairly quickly.

Call The Medics!

You know, there’s something a little disconcerting about the fact that some people can find humor in the misery of other people. When you see something that appears to be extremely dangerous, you laugh instead of becoming concerned. Although this is acceptable provided that the person you’re laughing at is in fact okay, right?

Call The Medics!

Call The Medics!

Despite the fact that this athlete appeared to have flopped on the ice, he was in fact perfectly healthy and fine after the incident. So we can all laugh at her great misfortune because we’re all bad people, and that’s okay with us. Hooray!

What’s Happening?

To be completely honest, we have no idea what is going on in this picture. According to what we’ve heard, it’s just one of those situations where you happen to snap a picture of someone at an inconvenient time. You’d be surprised at how many stupid expressions people unintentionally make while going about their daily lives.

What's Happening?

What’s Happening?

In fact, many people make extremely amusing faces when they are exerting significant effort, which means that many athletes also make amusing faces during competition. Even they can have a good laugh at things like this, don’t they?

You Guys Are Doing It Wrong

Despite the exceptional dexterity of professional athletes, the ball will occasionally find its way into areas that were not intended. And, on occasion, those unintentional poses result in photographs that are extremely amusing to look at. Having said that, the guy on the left doesn’t appear to be in a good mood.

You Guys Are Doing It Wrong

You Guys Are Doing It Wrong

On top of that, he appears to be directing that basketball directly at a very sensitive area, so it’s no surprise that he’s upset. Well, his misery serves as our source of amusement, and that’s all that matters.


Isn’t it amazing that something like this doesn’t happen more often considering how much this guy has to squat during a baseball game? The real question is whether or not they would really stop a match just to allow him to change his pants. Or would they be able to find someone to take his place?



Any athlete in this position would be embarrassed in any situation, but it would be even worse because everyone’s attention is already focused on him, and it’s not like anyone could have missed him!!

Right In The Face?

The most embarrassing aspect of this photograph is that it clearly shows that this unfortunate individual attempted to kick the ball. We’re just not sure if he kicked it completely into his own face or if he accidentally kicked it into himself. Perhaps the intrigue adds to the comedy’s overall effect.

Right In The Face?

Right In The Face?

It’s amazing how far the nose can bend without actually breaking or breaking anything, to digress a little. The fact that that guy’s face looks like that in this photograph is a mystery, but he will most likely be fine in the end.

Another One In The Face

With regard to baseballs hitting people in the face, it’s amazing how quick the human reaction time is: even when a baseball is flying through the air at hundreds of miles per hour, athletes have enough time to make silly faces like this. Unfortunately, there is usually not enough time to get out of the way before things get out of hand.

Another One In The Face

Another One In The Face

Despite the fact that getting hit in the face by a baseball at high speed is extremely painful, we feel a little bad about laughing at this joke. After all, insensitivity is a critical component of getting a laugh out of certain situations.

Ninja Moves

Despite the fact that no one is in danger, this is one of the few images we have that is truly amusing. In fact, we’re not sure what triggered the creation of this extremely bizarre and amusing image. Is this how the game is supposed to be played? Is it expected that you perform sick ninja kicks in this sport?

Ninja Moves

Ninja Moves

Or are they simply letting their imaginations run wild because they can? In one way or another, these two athletes were caught in a photograph doing something extremely bizarre.

Too Cute

Sports in which athletes are likely to come into physical contact with one another always result in some bizarre and amusing photographs being taken. The majority of them are unintentional, but there are a significant number of athletes who engage in physical contact with other players on purpose.

Too Cute

Too Cute

Having said that, we’re a little perplexed as to what the point of pinching your opponent’s face in the middle of a game would be. Perhaps he is simply dissatisfied with the fact that he does not have the ball, but is this the most effective method of obtaining it? Is there a legal way to do it?

It’s Not Supposed To Look Like This

When athletes go about their business, there is always the desired end result in mind. However, it’s anyone’s guess whether or not that end result will actually occur, or whether you’ll be engulfed in a blaze of tragic but hilarious glory instead. You’re probably able to guess which one this is.

It's Not Supposed To Look Like This

It’s Not Supposed To Look Like This

After all, we assume he had hit his head on that bar and are hoping for the best for him. Whatever the case, it’s possible that he didn’t actually hit it in a bad way and that this image is simply misleading. It’s amusing, but it’s also misleading.

Cleaning It With His Head

Typically, in figure skating, it is the male who lifts the female, simply because of their physical strength, which makes it a less difficult prospect for them. Of course, this does not imply that things always proceed in this manner. This does happen from time to time.

Cleaning It With His Head

Cleaning It With His Head

We actually believe that this photograph was taken during a fancy move and that no disaster occurred as a result of this photograph. Nonetheless, it appears as though the woman is piledriving this unfortunate gentleman into the ice, or that she is attempting to clean it with his hair. And, you know, that’s a pretty amusing thought to have.

Tennis Moves

Tennis isn’t the first sport that comes to mind when people think of athletes performing crazy leaps and rolls and other stunts. However, there are times when you must throw your weight around in order to stay in the game. The problem is that you have to stick the landing, which obviously didn’t happen here.

Tennis Moves

Tennis Moves

As you can probably guess, this is not the best way to stick a roll and get back on your feet. This appears to be extremely harmful to your neck, even if it did cause us to chuckle a little.

Where’d The Wheels Go?

The humor in this situation is actually more terrifying than humorous, but if you don’t mind a bit of dark humor at the expense of another person’s pants, you’ll find it amusing.

Where'd The Wheels Go?

Where’d The Wheels Go?

He will undoubtedly survive this ordeal, but, strangely enough, this type of incident occurs far more frequently than you might expect. That thought only serves to make motocross appear even more terrifying, but we understand that some people are simply thrill-seekers.

Moments Before Everything Went Wrong

This type of photo is prevalent in a large number of amusing photographs. Things are going quite well, and a photograph is taken just as they are about to go horribly wrong. And, before anyone asks, yes, this is a legitimate sporting endeavor involving dogs.

Moments Before Everything Went Wrong

Moments Before Everything Went Wrong

What’s more, we can all relate to the dichotomy that exists between everything going well and impending doom, which makes this photo particularly amusing. We have to wonder, though, what exactly she asked that dog to do in order for it to react in this manner. Or does it simply have a poor sense of direction?

Oh No.

Because athletes are constantly compared to other athletes, one of the reasons they can be embarrassed so easily is because they are constantly compared to other athletes And if those other athletes don’t make a mistake while you do, you’ll look even more ridiculous. It’s only acceptable if everyone makes the same mistake!

Oh No.

Oh No.

In this case, unfortunately for this track runner, being the only athlete to suffer such a humiliating defeat does not bode well for her reputation at the time. Furthermore, the fact that there is no way to recover and catch up for a win in such a situation is not beneficial.


As we’ve previously stated, it’s no secret that the awkwardness of graceful athletes is more amusing than any other thing. Synchronized swimming is a natural fit for this category because it is, by its very nature, intended to be extremely graceful. This image is more amusing than it is graceful, and that is saying something.



Ever accidentally paused an animated movie or television show in the middle of a transition frame, resulting in a completely wacky screenshot that no one was ever supposed to see? Isn’t this a little bit like that, as well?