Pictures With Intriguing Contrasts That Will Change Your Perceptions
We’re taught not to make comparisons between things, but this isn’t always a bad thing. On the contrary, it can be a brilliant way to gain perspective and learn about the world and yourself when approached correctly. Occasionally, all that is required to solve a problem is a minor adjustment to a parameter. The same people, separated by years; the same animal, as a baby and as an adult; the same patch of land, with the seasons changing; and so on.
The joys of freshman year
Our parents usually documented most of our childhood milestones, such as the first word we said, the first steps we took, the first time we ate solid food, and the first day of kindergarten. Regardless of age, we’re all in favor of carrying on the family tradition into adulthood.

The Joys Of Freshman Year
The first day of freshman year in college, for example, is a significant milestone that we often fail to recognize or appreciate. If you pair it with a photo from the last day of freshman year for the sake of comparison, you’ll be fine.
Women’s pockets versus men’s pockets
Many women have long expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that their clothing either does not have pockets or that the pockets that do exist are too small to be of any use to them.

Women’s Pockets Versus Men’s Pockets
“Nah, I don’t believe it, it can’t be that bad,” anyone who has ever said. In this situation, we have two adults: a woman and a man. They’re both carrying the same item in their pockets as the person before them. Men can fit almost everything into their pockets, whereas women can only fit about half of their belongings.
The cutest before and after
What a dramatic difference between the before and after photos. It demonstrates the passage of time – 71 years, to be exact – and that some things remain constant, such as a person’s life interests and the things that bring them happiness.

The Cutest Before And After
Both photos above show the same woman riding the same bike and posing in front of the same house, and her big smile has remained the same throughout the years.
3 months versus 6 months
Since that tiny kitten is a Maine Coon, a cat breed known for its massive size and strength, we hope this woman knew exactly what she was getting herself into when she adopted it. Adults can grow to be 3.3 feet long from nose to tail and weigh up to 18 pounds when fully grown!

3 Months Versus 6 Months
Three months later, when the kitten on the left was three months old, the kitten on the right was three months old. That’s right; the cat has not yet reached adulthood, and the woman appears to be having difficulty carrying it.
Nature, untouched
Being in touch with nature is highly recommended if you have the opportunity to travel. Although we humans have a strong desire to leave our mark wherever we go, this is not always in the best interests of the local fauna and flora.

Nature, Untouched
For example, consider the following picture, which clearly shows the difference between a patch of bamboo touched and manipulated by thousands of people and a patch of bamboo that grew without being affected by tourists during 2020.
Like mother, like daughter
Normally, the entire family is excited about the most prominent features of a new baby, the mother or the dad. Sometimes, however, it is both, and the baby has the eyes and lips of the father and the nose and ears of the mother.

Like Mother, Like Daughter
As in this case, the baby appears to be a miniature version of one of the parents in some instances. When this mother put together a collage of herself and her daughter, it was uncanny how much they looked alike.
Same bird, different ‘hairdos’
Every one of us knows the appearance of a bald eagle; after all, it has been the emblem of the United States since 1782, and it was chosen for its majestic appearance as one of its reasons. Nevertheless, you may not know how long a bald eagle takes to achieve this look.

Same Bird, Different ‘hairdos’
The same bird can be seen in both its juvenile and subadult stages in these pictures taken years apart. Bald eagles grow their distinctive white “hairdo” over a five-year period, which is distinctive.
Nine decades of friendship
People make and lose many friends throughout their lives, but those who are fortunate enough will be able to maintain a few friendships that will truly stand the test of time.

Nine Decades Of Friendship
The person who posted these photos on the internet seems like this is their grandfather and his friend. On the same day, they were born to the same parents on the same street. Photos taken at the left around 1942 and taken at the age of 93 on the right show two generations of the same family.
Same breed, different levels of fluff
Corgis are Queen Elizabeth II’s favorite dog breed; since her coronation in 1952, she has owned over 30 corgis. They’re also known worldwide for their extreme cuteness and cuddliness (or so we believe).

Same Breed, Different Levels Of Fluff
The fact that corgis have different levels of fluffiness was a complete surprise to us! Both a regular fluffy corgi and an extra fluffy corgi are shown in this photo gallery. Both are cuddly, and we have no doubt they are good boys.
The changin’ of the seasons
People who live in areas of the world where the weather does not change significantly throughout the year find comparison pictures like the one below fascinating and informative.

The Changin’ Of The Seasons
Although the two pictures are of the same street in a quiet neighborhood of Canada, on the first day of winter, the top photo was taken, and the bottom photo was taken on the first day of the summer. While they are vastly different, we think both are just as beautiful.
138 MB in 1995 versus 128 GB in 2018
Children today will never have to deal with the problems of saving data and installing computer programs on disks. You can’t even recognize a disk! Perhaps they would look at the picture below and think to themselves, “lol, why did this person 3D-print a bunch of “save” icons?”

138 MB In 1995 Versus 128 GB In 2018
Realistically, however, things were quite different during this period of history. When it comes to hard drives, for example, 128 GB is more common today, but the average hard drive size was only 138.24 MB in 1995.
Big fish, tiny babies
The ocean sunfish is one of the world’s heaviest bony fish, growing to a length of 5.9 feet and weighing up to 2,200 pounds. It is one of the heaviest bony fish in the world. We would be terrified if we ever came into contact with an adult sunfish, such as the diver showed in the photo below.

Big Fish, Tiny Babies
Even then, when you look at their babies, you’ll notice how tiny they are! When we look at those tiny babies, we have no idea that they will grow up to be giant fish with length and width greater than a person.
Same outfits, 60 years later
As reported by the person who shared these lovely photos online, this couple has been married for 60 years, and they posed for this shot in the same outfits that they wore on their wedding day.

Same Outfits, 60 Years Later
As incredible as it may seem, they were still able to fit into the same clothes that they wore decades ago. But more than that, this example of true, long-lasting love inspires us.
Something changed
When it comes to large dogs, we like to see before and after pictures because it’s amazing how a small dog can grow into such a large and heavy dog while still looking like a cute dog that melts everyone’s heart.

Something Changed
This puppy was so small that it fits inside its owner’s left boot. That puppy, on the other hand, is now three years old and fully grown. The only part of their body that will fit into the boot that once held their entire body is their right paw.
18 years of hard work
Seeing people’s good deeds positively impact the environment is one of life’s greatest joys. We’re dealing with a significant influence in this case. Sebastiao Salgado, a well-known Brazilian photographer, and his wife created this…

18 Years Of Hard Work
In Minas Gerais, Brazil, they were given the task of planting 2 million trees and creating natural habitats for 33 animal species, 172 bird species, and many plant species on 600 hectares of deserted land.
A beautiful and powerful photograph
On social media, this photo was shared with a description that showed five generations of women, including a baby daughter, the original poster, her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother, among others.

A Beautiful And Powerful Photograph
Incredibly, the woman’s statement that her daughter was born the same year her great-grandmother turned 100 has left us completely speechless. Our jaws dropped when we saw this photo of five generations, and we were even more impressed by how strong the women’s manicure game is.
Stairs built In 1829 and 2005
It’s difficult to live in the heart of a large city without encountering various challenges, one of which is figuring out how to honor the history and preserve existing architecture and monuments while also keeping up with time and changing population needs.

Stairs Built In 1829 And 2005
This is an excellent illustration of how to combine the two. This original staircase, built-in 1829, was in desperate need of repair. However, to avoid “erasing” the entire structure, they left half of it alone until 2005, when the remaining half was renovated. The result is astounding!
When you need to do a double-take
We would have dismissed the image below as “just another selfie” if we hadn’t stopped to read the caption while mindlessly scrolling through our phones. However, something drew our attention and made us do a double-take.

When You Need To Do A Double Take
Isn’t it incredible that these are twins whose faces have been merged? We initially assumed it was a joke, but we noticed two men who appeared suspiciously similar upon closer examination.
A dog’s ‘receding hairline’
This dog represents every teenager part of punk rock in the 1970s before growing up and moving into a comfortable suburban life with their wife and beautiful children. While he has lost his once-vibrant mohawk, he has retained his bushy brow game to an impressive degree.

A Dog’s ‘receding Hairline’
Photographs were taken six years apart show his “receding hairline,” which we had no idea dogs could have until we saw these images. It doesn’t matter whether he has a mohawk or not; we’re confident he’s still a “good boy.”
Nature is amazing
Maple trees, however, appear to have missed the memo, as they will do whatever they want and can change color completely in less than two weeks, even though it is generally believed that real change takes time.

Nature Is Amazing
This maple tree only took 11 days to transition from summer to autumn mode, and we’re blown away by the vibrant color that has appeared on its leaves. We’re starting to wonder how much longer it will be before they turn a fiery red and start to fall.
Every woman who’s been pregnant will relate
The only thing we can say after seeing the incredible side-by-side image below of her ankle two days before she gave birth and what it looked like two days after she gave birth is, “wow!”

Every Woman Who’s Been Pregnant Will Relate
Think about what it must be like to have to function while you are *this* uncomfortable – and this is just one of the many uncomfortable changes that occur in a woman’s body while she is pregnant! Give pregnant women a break because they deserve it.
One horse, two seasons
Every day we consider something new to be a good day and be considered one of those good days today. For instance, we recently discovered that horses’ coats change with the seasons, implying that some horses become fluffier and even change color!

One Horse, Two Seasons
These two photos depict the same horse, even though they appear to be completely different. One was taken in the winter, while the other was taken in the scorching heat of summer.
How time flies
If you blink, you might miss something important that has happened in your life. The one day when you’re cradling your little cousin on your shoulders like it’s nothing, you can’t help but make a face that screams, “OMG HURRY UP!” when you try to recreate that photo 15 years later.

How Time Flies
Although the little cousin is no longer regarded as “little,” we like to see how close these two have stayed over the years. The third iteration of this hilarious shot may be released in 2035.
Before and after adoption
According to the woman who uploaded the “before and after” photos, the first was taken the day after he had been adopted, and the second was taken recently to show how he now looks.

Before And After Adoption
This is how an animal responds to the presence of a caring family. These photographs were taken seven years apart, but the dog in the second one appears to be much happier and healthier than he was previously.
Barcelona, night and day
We like to see well-organized pictures, but normally they show small items, like books on a bookshelf or products on a supermarket aisle. We never saw a city that was so well organized until we saw these pictures of Barcelona.

Barcelona, Night And Day
The contrast between the city’s look at night and its appearance during the day highlights these pictures. The contrast between them is stark, but they are also the same.
From plastic bottle to t-shirt
Brands are working hard to create environmentally friendly and highly desirable products as consumers become more environmentally conscious and demand action from large corporations. Here’s a hilarious example:

From Plastic Bottle To T-Shirt
Starting with waste and then shredded and spun, this company demonstrates to its customers how a plastic bottle can be worn in the form of t-shirt fabrics and other articles of clothing. There is only one material, but it can be used in a variety of ways.
On the first day of kindergarten, twice
A person’s first day of kindergarten is a significant milestone in their life, and this is a rare instance in which someone has had the opportunity to go through it twice. Thus, it is not as you believe; she did not fail kindergarten and had to restart.

First Day Of Kindergarten, Twice
She later went on to become a kindergarten teacher. The first photo was taken on her first day as a student, and the second photo was taken 30 years later, in a kindergarten classroom for the second time, this time as an educator.
A Woodstock love that stood the test of time
After her car broke down while driving to Woodstock with two friends on August 15, 1969, Judy was forced to hitchhike to the festival with her companions. A car approached and offered them a ride, and inside was a man named Jerry, who was also traveling with friends.

A Woodstock Love That Stood The Test Of Time
This is where Judy and Jerry’s love story began, and it has now lasted for more than 50 years. The top picture depicts them 48 hours after their first meeting at Woodstock, while the bottom picture depicts them now.
A Great Dane at 4 weeks and as a two-years-old
Look at the comparison photos below if you have any doubts that Great Danes are gentle giants. In two scenes from Elliott’s life, the Great Dane Elliot and the stuffed Dragon Elliott are depicted.

A Great Dane At 4 Weeks And As A Two Years Old
The puppy is about the same size as the toy in the first photo and is four weeks old. Elliott is two years old and looks like she could eat the dragon in one bite in the second photo, but she won’t because she’s a “good girl.”
A living sculpture through the seasons (shh… she’s asleep)
We’d flee faster than Usain Bolt if we were out for a walk in the woods and came across a giant woman covered in moss. This gigantic woman, on the other hand, is not at all terrifying. She is, after all, a sculpture that is sleeping.

A Living Sculpture Through The Seasons (shh… She’s Asleep)
To be more precise, Susan Hill created her as a living sculpture. Since she’s covered in natural elements such as moss, ivy, and grass, her appearance changes with the seasons, and we’re completely smitten with her!…
Technology in 1990 versus now
In recent years, technology has advanced significantly. For those of you who grew up in the 1990s, you may recall that you needed a large and heavy recorder to film something, such as your child’s ballet performance, and a large and heavy camera to photograph something. Things have changed dramatically since then.

Technology In 1990 Versus Now
The modern mobile phone can perform both of these tasks and many others: making phone calls, showing the time, playing music, displaying photo albums, allowing you to watch movies, forecasting the weather forecast, paying bills, and so on.
A croissant, before and after
Since cooking allows for a great deal of improvisation and the ability to sort of wing it, you can still come out with decent results even if you aren’t particularly talented at it. Baking, on the other hand, is a totally different thing.

A Croissant, Before And After
Baking is a precise science, and we’ve continued the family tradition of failing at it in our adult lives because we consistently failed at it in school. We do, however, appreciate the effort put forth, as evidenced by this before and after photograph of a delectable-looking croissant shared by a professional baker.
With plastic versus without
There has been an increase in the number of initiatives by businesses worldwide in recent years, all attempting to drastically reduce the amount of packaging and plastic used in their stores.

With Plastic Versus Without
Supermarkets in New Zealand are attempting to reduce their use of plastic on fruits and vegetables by substituting paper bags for the traditional plastic bags depicted on the left, according to this initiative.
Before and after a full day of playing
Seeing a puppy’s face light up with anticipation of a full day of play with its humans is nothing compared to seeing its happily exhausted face *after* a full day of play with its humans, which is even cuter.

Before And After A Full Day Of Playing
Doggo and its human are seen in the car on their way to the lake in the left image, and the dog is seen returning home in the right image. It is permissible to say that he appears to be “dog tired.”
Baby teeth of a child and a kitten
People who shared this photo on social media claimed that their daughter and kitten both lost baby teeth on the same day, and we had no idea that cats could lose baby teeth until now.

Baby Teeth Of A Child And A Kitten
Now that we’ve gotten over our initial shock, we’d like to point out that those things are strangely endearing because they’re so small. There is a good chance that the Tooth Fairy left a small gift for the child, and we hope she also left something for the cat.
Game of Thrones in braille
It’s hard to believe that the books written by George R. R. Martin’s epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire are only a few hundred pages long, but just wait until you see the braille version.

Game Of Thrones In Braille
Using a touch reading system, the collage compares the first three books in the series (A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, and A Storm of Swords) to the same books printed for blind people. There doesn’t appear to be as many of the regular ones as there used to be.
He was a skater boy
If you’re wondering why these shoes appear to be in such poor condition, it’s because they aren’t being worn for walking anymore. They belong to a skater boy (“she said see you later, boy” #AvrilLavigne).

He Was A Skater Boy
One shoe is primarily resting on the longboard, while the other mainly pushes the longboard with the other. As a result, we’re wondering whether skate shoe manufacturers sell shoes by the foot rather than by the pair, which would explain why this appears to be a common occurrence.
A beautiful smile, before and after
Teeth correction may be a lengthy and arduous process that includes wearing braces and having a few teeth extracted, or even more complex procedures such as jaw surgery, depending on the circumstances.

A Beautiful Smile, Before And After
It took this young woman nine years (nine!) to get her braces off, but she couldn’t stop smiling when the day came to take her braces off. Moreover, what a beautiful smile it is! Her journey appears to have been worthwhile, and we share her delight in her accomplishment.
When you find a good position, you stick to it
Some people sleep in a different position almost every night (and change positions every hour, often pushing their partners off the bed), while others sleep in the same position each night.

When You Find A Good Position, You Stick Yo It
Clearly, as evidenced by the photos posted by the mother, this baby is firmly on the side of #TeamSamePosition. The first image is a 3D ultrasound scan of the baby taken three weeks before birth, and the second image was taken three weeks after birth, respectively.
Same item, (very) different prices
We can see why this was shared on the Mildly Infuriating forum on Reddit. According to the person who posted this comparison collage, these are the very different prices they’ve found for one simple product.

Same Item, (very) Different Prices
They’re comparing the prices of a pack of 12 white chalk pieces that they’ve found online. It is available for purchase at a well-known retailer for 99 cents. However, the same item costs 11.98 dollars at their college bookstore, a significant price difference.
First day versus last first day
Isn’t it true that time passes us by so quickly? You have no idea when you leave your house for the first time on the first day of school that the next day you will be completing your graduate degree at a college. You understand what we’re getting at, even if it’s not the next day.

First Day Versus Last First Day
Some things can undergo significant transformations in a short period of time. On the other hand, some items are designed to last a long time. This guy had the same “first day of school” expression on both his first and last school days, which was unusual. Congratulations on completing your studies!
Four children, four flowers
Children’s artwork can provide you with a great deal of insight. Knowing this, this brilliant mother decided that when her children turned four, they should all paint a sunflower together. She hung all of the paintings to the side after that.

Four Children, Four Flowers
This is now being used to compare the personalities and outlooks of her children in an artistic way, which she finds fascinating. As you can see, each of them uses a completely different technique to paint the same object, which is quite interesting. We must give credit to the person who is second from the top. Take a look at the specifics!
The ice is melting
Do not look any further if you’ve ever wanted to see a picture that hurts your stomach with fear of a global existential crisis. See the picture below if you’re looking for something a bit lighter. We look at two photos taken in the same spot only a few decades apart.

The Ice Is Melting
In response to climate change, the ice cap is melting, revealing the mountains behind it. Natural warming would impart a poetic beauty to the scene, but global warming is not aesthetically pleasing in any way.
Showing off his horns
Have you ever seen a cow with such horns? We all know that if we saw this guy staring us down, we’d flee rather than take a picture. However, we admire the artist twice; a couple of years between every shot, this photographer chose to photograph the same cow.

Showing Off His Horns
As you can see, his pattern has remained consistent, but he has changed in subtle ways over time. Oh, and his horns have grown to enormous proportions over the course of his lifetime. That’s all there is to it.
The wheels on the bus go round and round….
Which vehicle do you believe is the most massive? A big Jeep? A Hummer? A monster truck? A bus? Maybe a bus. Buses are the biggest vehicles that most of us see regularly. However, it turns out that astronomically bigger machines with wheels than buses can be.

The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round….
It’s easy to dismiss the truck in this picture as unremarkable until you notice how it contrasts with the school bus in the background. However, that thing has the potential to destroy our home!
When the ride rolls in
The tide is the determining factor in whether a day will be filled with raging waves or calm water seeking a place to nap in the sun. The tide is what pushes the water in and out while you’re standing on the beach admiring the beauty of the ocean.

When The Ride Rolls In
However, some areas experience a stronger tide than others. Consider the following side-by-side comparison. These two photographs taken in the same location were taken within a few hours of one another. That, my friends, is the current.
Staring off into the fog
The weather can change depending on where you are on the globe. Mountain residents are accustomed to snow, especially when it is piled on top of one another. If you live in Florida, you’re probably used to dealing with extreme weather, such as hurricanes. Fog isn’t a big deal for people who live near lakes because they see it all the time.

Staring Off Into The Fog
Visibility improves with fog, but it can drop from perfect to a few feet in a matter of seconds. Due to the relatively short time frame in which fog can influence the climate, this picture displays the critical role fog plays in an area.
Two days later….
Winter can be an odd month, depending on where you live. For some, business as usual continues. If you live in a hot climate with little snow, you’re likely to appreciate the cooler weather. In the winter, you only need an additional layer if you live in a perpetually cold area.

Two Days Later….
On the other hand, winter storms can dump feet of snow in some areas, which is only melted a few days later when the sun shines again. That is correct. Thus, these photos are taken two days apart! Isn’t that outrageous?
Michelin’s biggest tire versus Michelin’s smallest tire
We would have dismissed the idea of visiting a tired museum as completely uninteresting before seeing this picture. After all, who wants to spend an afternoon staring at rubber? We have discovered, however, that tires are quite fascinating. After all, consider how varied they are!

Michelin’s Biggest Tire Versus Michelin’s Smallest Tire
The largest Michelin tire is shown next to the smallest Michelin tire in this image. The tiniest one isn’t particularly shocking, but it pales compared to the black behemoth looming over it. What kind of vehicle uses a wheel like this?
There are two kinds of people
A person’s hand size can be divided into two categories: small hands and large hands. They may not explicitly state it, but the fact that these two hands are from the same species is incredible!

There Are Two Kinds Of People
This photo was taken during an interview with an athlete by a reporter. They were compelled to take a picture when she noticed his hands were slightly larger than hers. This one may appear to be a joke at first glance, but it isn’t. At times, reality can be crazier than Photoshop. Her palm is a perfect match for his!
Hey, why’s this sign so long?
We can only guess what people’s thoughts are when they pass by this sign during the summer. They must believe they’ve just happened upon the land of giants. This is not the case, though. This sign hasn’t been enlarged to allow some cyclops to read it.

Hey, Why’s This Sign So Long
The size is chosen instead to be read even when the valley is blanketed with snow! According to our estimates, there must be more than 15 feet of snow on the ground right now. Several winter sports appear to be in order due to the favorable weather conditions!
Science borrows from nature
However, many people believe that science and nature are incompatible, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Scientists are still working to understand nature, so we see so many things in science heavily influenced by the perfection that nature has already achieved.

Science Borrows From Nature
Take a look at the shape of this plane in comparison to that of a falcon. Are there any similarities? The whole thing, huh? Yeah, that’s no accident. As it turns out, the natural features of falcons make them excellent for fast flight, which is why the bird served as an inspiration for this stealth plane.
Not all fish are created equal
Everyone boasts about how intelligent humans are. Nonetheless, we believe that this is a disservice to other animal species nearly as intelligent as we are. The only species that has ever come close to challenging us for the title of Smartest Species Ever are dolphins.

Not All Fish Are Created Equal
Still not convinced? Consider the size of the dolphins’ brains! They make sharks appear to be a bunch of buffoons. Therefore, sharks, please do not take offense. Please don’t consume us. We were joking, of course.
Right-handed versus left handed
It is well-known that right-handed people outnumber their left-handed counterparts by a wide margin in the business. Most people prefer to do most of their tasks with their right hands is a simple fact of life.

Right Handed Versus Left Handed
Even when the doors are open, people almost always prefer to use their dominant hand, even though this is only true for activities like writing. Because most people who use this school door are right-handed, you can see significantly more activity on the right side.
He’s already had enough
On his first day of school, this young boy was overjoyed! In the photo on the left, you can see how proud he is of his matching backpack, lunchbox, and shoes, and he can’t wait to wear them for the remainder of the year.

He’s Already Had Enough
The second picture, on the other hand, conveys a completely different message. The fact that it is only the second day of the school indicates that he has already had enough. However, do not fret, child. It may be uncomfortable right now, but things are only going to get worse.
A baby hummingbird eating a raspberry
Hummingbirds, in our humble opinion, are among the fascinating birds on the face of the planet. They’re so, so small! Do you know what the appearance of a hummingbird egg is like? They’re about the size of a jellybean in terms of size.

A Baby Hummingbird Eating A Raspberry
We bring this up because the photo above shows a baby hummingbird compared to the size of a raspberry, and that little fella appears to be quite content to be eating that fruit, having done its business on the lady’s hand. In any case, she remains endearing and captivating.
Women basketball players versus cheerleaders
The most obvious reason why this picture of two Kentucky Wildcats Ladies basketball players and some of their cheerleaders became so popular on the internet in recent years is that it depicts two female basketball players.

Women Basketball Players Versus Cheerleaders
Some have claimed that the picture has been photoshopped, but other pictures show that it is real. Isn’t it incredible how different people can be from each other? For instance, the tall ladies in the photo stand at 6’3″ and 6’6″, while the petite ladies stand at less than 5′ tall.
The type of ‘before and after we need
As we see in the news these days, it’s easy to believe that humans are at their worst, with no hope for future insight. Things like the one we’ll be looking at below, on the other hand, give us reason to be optimistic.

The Type Of ‘before And After’ We Need
Yes, the people in the top photo created the shambles, but they also banded together and decided to clean up the entire area. According to the person who posted it online, it took more than a year to achieve that result, and they deserve a standing ovation for their efforts.
A lion’s head next to a man’s head
We all knew lions were big, but seeing them on TV or reading that they can weigh up to 550 pounds is one thing, but seeing a lion’s head so close to a human’s head is another.

A Lion’s Head Next To A Man’s Head
That photo puts things in perspective because we can imagine ourselves standing face to face with that absolute unit. To change the subject, we’re curious how that guy got the lion to look at the camera for the selfie; we’ve never been able to get our cat to do so.
Honey harvested in spring, summer, and fall
While this is something we hadn’t thought about before, we can see how it sounds reasonable. Because different nectar sources produce different colors of honey, honey harvested at different times of the year will have various hues.

Honey Harvested In Spring, Summer, And Fall
Due to the many nectar sources available, it is impossible to determine exactly what the bees were feeding on. However, according to the person who shared this image online, the fall honey contains a significant amount of goldenrod.
Without flash versus with flash
We’ll be honest: we had a hard time figuring out what the collage below was about. We assumed it was one of those times when a photographer demonstrated how “different” the images look with a minor change in the settings, even though they appear identical to the untrained eye.

Without Flash Versus With Flash
We only noticed something strange after that: a pair of brilliant eyes appeared out of nowhere in a previously dark spot, seemingly out of nowhere. It’s a cunning cat who knows how to play the game of hide-and-seek effectively!
Moms versus dads
However, even though it is an overused cliché, we find it amusing because it highlights the differences between the parenting styles of mothers and fathers. You can see a mother playing on the left with her child to hold him safe and encourage him when he tries for the first time.

Moms Versus Dads
Towards the right, you can see a father who appears to be having far too much fun to remember that he is there to watch over his child, who is sliding far ahead of him and probably thinking, “How do I make it stoooop?”
A candle burning on Earth and in space
Observing astronauts perform routine tasks in space is amusing, and there are numerous videos of them doing things like cooking dinner and getting ready for bed that can be found on the internet.

A Candle Burning On Earth, And In Space
Everything is different in space, as illustrated by the collage above, which is just one example. In the illustration, a candle burning on Earth with a tall, yellow flame is contrasted with a candle burning in microgravity on the International Space Station with a small, dome-like blue flame.
Humans next to sequoias that are thousands of years old
Nature is Amazing explores the phenomenon of tiny humans appearing next to massive sequoia trees that are thought to be thousands of years old in this episode. Isn’t it amazing how it helps to put things in their proper context? And we’re not just talking about physical size.

Humans Next To Sequoias That Are Thousands Of Years Old
The way we see it, it’s easy to get caught up in worrying about things that appear to be the end of the world, and then we look at those trees that have been around for millennia, and everything else seems to fade away.
Beginning of nap versus full dreamland mode
They are napping together shows that they are committed, and we want to join them because their nap looks incredible. Isn’t there enough room in the bed for a third person to sleep comfortably?

Beginning Of Nap Versus Full Dreamland Mode
We’re unsure if this can still be called a “nap” because the second photo shows both humans and the pup in full dreamland mode. That dog moves around a lot while sleeping. We’re interested in finding out what they’re daydreaming about.
When mussels do their thing
Following the viewing of the collage below and reading the explanation provided by the person who shared it online, we have a newfound respect for mussels in general. It’s possible to see two tanks filled with water from a stream in the top photo. The left tank is empty, while the right tank is brimming with mussels.

When Mussels Do Their Thing
After 24 hours in storage, the bottom photo shows the same two tanks. The water in the left tank is still turbid, but the water in the right tank appears to be completely clear, thanks to the mussels that have filtered it all the way through.
Summer fluff versus winter fluff
This is similar to our initial reaction when we saw the first photo, “wow that cat couldn’t possibly get any fluffier than that,” the cat said, before adding, “lol, hold my milk,” and it went, “poof! Winter coat!”

Summer Fluff Versus Winter Fluff
This is a ragdoll cat, which is well-known for its stunning hair. They certainly appear to be opulent, don’t they? On the left, the cat appears to be wearing a nice scarf, while on the right, she appears to be wearing a fur coat, as if she is going to the Russian ballet.
The difference in height between a man and his father
While some cynics suggested he needed to have a serious talk with his mother after posting this photo online, that is simply how some people are on the internet. The original poster’s purpose was to emphasize that “genetics aren’t an exact science.”

The Difference In Height Between A Man And His Father
Because of the height disparity, we’re interested to see how the rest of their family appears. Isn’t it also adorable how similar their faces are despite their differences in height? The massive apple isn’t far from the small tree when it falls.
Polar bear paw compared to human hands
The polar bear is one of the most beautiful animals on the planet, but it’s a creature we don’t expect to see in person. Instead, we’re content to just watch them in their natural habitat on TV or the internet.

Polar Bear Paw Compared To Human Hands
The average adult polar bear stands between 3.5 and 5 feet tall when standing on all fours, but they can reach heights of more than 10 feet when standing on their hind legs. So thank you, but no, thank you.