These People On Instagram Went Way Too Far With Their Editing Skills

Published on 01/05/2022


Well, where do we start? First and above all, we commend this woman’s desire to amass a small collection of holiday selfies, but the situation appears to be out of hand.



What started out as a harmless selfie quickly devolved into a Christmas tragedy. Karen, where has your self-confidence suddenly disappeared? Next year, we hope Santa brings you something roughly comparable.

No One Nose How Good I Look

Is the complete obliteration of all human features the pinnacle of beauty? According to this lady, this is proper. We’re left to wonder what this woman is trying to conceal, with almost no ‘nose’ and the smallest of lips.

No One Nose How Good I Look

No One Nose How Good I Look

Show off your lovely features, girl. This is in no way representative of the world or of you. Let us demand that all social media platforms remove all filters and effects!

Natural, Authentic Self

And though it would seem that self-acceptance is a hot topic among today’s youth, this image fails to convey that message. This girl was heavily filtered to the point of resembling a Bratz Doll. That’s just the tip of her hat.

Natural, Authentic Self

Natural, Authentic Self

Those ridiculously large witchy fingers don’t appear to be real, either. What’s up with her hands and phone size being so large? We’re baffled, and we’re hoping that these aren’t everyone’s standards of beauty.

Hey There, Skinny Jeans

That’s exactly how this woman appears. If this was even close to being true, we’d need to get her medical help right away! She simply stretched out her body using some cool photoshop tools, which was beneficial to her health.

Hey There, Skinny Jeans

Hey There, Skinny Jeans

She was also carrying a footrest and a handbag. This is not how things, especially people, appear! Her legs appear to be extremely long, but her feet appear to be extremely small!

She Be Buggin

There may be some photoshopping going on here, with enlarging eyes and unusually plump lips. Okay, I’m sure there were a lot of touch-ups! Missy, we know where you did it!

She Be Buggin

She Be Buggin

Those lips could very well have been managed to cross by you or whomever! You might have probably got away with it if we hadn’t looked at it so closely.

Gym Rat

A gym workout is an excellent way to shape your body to perfection. You can get those perfect abs if you work out hard enough. No amount of exercise, however, will make a waistline disappear.

Gym Rat

Gym Rat

Even though she appears to be in good shape, we believe she has been over-edited. Breathing would appear to be impossible with that body. Where is she hiding the food she consumed?

The Food Lover

As a result, this social media influencer wants us to know how enthusiastic she is about food. We’re not sure if her zeal is driving her insane, or if her photo-editing skills are to blame.

The Food Lover

The Food Lover

Despite her all of her smiles, her eyes appear to be devoid of life. When you have a slice of pizza in front of you, how is that actually possible?

Clown Feet

Even if you are taller than anyone, being naturally tall allows you to keep your body in proportion. Even if you have long legs, your feet will not always appear stretched and bent.

Clown Feet

Clown Feet

This effect was accomplished simply by digitally adjusting the legs to make them appear longer. This is clearly a shorter girl stretching out her small legs. Consider how far she could run with those legs.

Bulking Up

We’re not sure what kind of workout you’ll need to get that look. However, we know that’s not how he got it. We’re calling fake with shoulders like that and a tiny head that is somehow attached to that body.

Bulking Up

Bulking Up

He’s also a bit of a jerk when it comes to consistency. He appears to have toned it down a little, as you can see in the second image. Unless he did this before and after his bizarre “workout.”

Wedding Bliss

It appears that these two were so focused on looking good on the wedding day that they forgot to smile! They added another little touch to the bride’s eyes, in addition to the various tweaks such as a brightening filter and some extreme eye make-up.

Wedding Bliss

Wedding Bliss

What’s the secret ingredient, exactly? Smiles. Smiling on your wedding day is a wedding album staple, to be sure. Fortunately for them, photo editing saved them from a potentially very sad day.

Crouching Tiger

This person is most likely performing one of the world’s most difficult balancing acts. To say the least, balancing a glass of red wine on your booty is a cool party trick, but with those distorted tiger stripes that look a little too ‘manipulated,’ we’re going to say this is a fake.

Crouching Tiger

Crouching Tiger

This little clever bit earned this cat over 5,800 likes, so whether it’s real or not, it’s a crowd-pleaser. In this case, authenticity isn’t as important to some people.

Ken, Is That You?

This gentleman did an excellent job of smoothing out the old mug and adding two crystal blues. What’s the end result? Ken, the well-known doll. Even if it’s a chunkier and possibly an older version?

Ken, Is That You?

Ken, Is That You?

This is what we’ll refer to as Ken’s post-breakup. However, it’s still near-flawless. We hope to see an original one day because let’s face it, no one has skin like that.

Match Made In Heaven

In today’s dating world, it can be a complete disaster. You have to learn to work with your assets when it comes to dating apps. Or, who knows, you might end up in the unmatchable bin.

Match Made In Heaven

Match Made In Heaven

This cunning woman did everything she could to avoid it, even changing her appearance to the point of non-recognition. Unless aliens have evolved and can now consume alcohol, the only trace of humanity we see here is him sipping a glass of wine.

The Cyborg Look

Photo filters appear to be giving us a glimpse into the future. This is the case with this woman, who transformed herself into a full-fledged digital version. Is she a Final Fantasy character? No, she’s just playing with herself to the point of resembling a video game character!

The Cyborg Look

The Cyborg Look

Why? We have no idea! Clearly, she is dissatisfied with her natural appearance, which is unfortunate because natural is always attractive! Furthermore, those video game characters necessitate a great deal of upkeep.

Hello, Lips

The beauty of a woman’s lips is undeniable. So vibrant and full of life. They have the ability to pique your interest. But, no matter how tempting a set of full lips may appear, we must remember that they’re only human, which means they have real skin…and pores.

Hello, Lips

Hello, Lips

However, natural human features appear to be missing in this photograph. This could be a digital recreation of a human mouth, but it’s a mouth that’s been heavily manipulated to the point where the skin appears to be fake.

Then and Now

Aging is a funny thing; one day you’re 12 and you’re carefree. In the blink of an eye, you’ve turned 30! Yikes! It sneaks up on you like a swarm of bees. Fortunately, thanks to photo manipulation, aging may be the new way to turn back the clock without the high cost of cosmetic surgery for the first time ever.

Then And Now

Then And Now

This woman demonstrated that it is entirely possible by transporting us back in time to the day she was twelve years old. And, just to be clear, this isn’t her with a photo of her two daughters; it’s the same woman using filters to her heart’s content.

Snow Queen

This woman wanted to show us how much of a sports fan she is by rooting for her favorite football team on Instagram. Of course, she also decided to use the platform to do some face retouching to show us how much of a sports fan she is.

Snow Queen

Snow Queen

I’m not sure how she’s making her point. We have no idea. Aside from the completely unnecessary edit, this woman appears to be more like a crazed ice queen from a fairy tale than your average girl next door sports fan.

Nice Chompers!

This guy appears to be pretty chill at first, and unlike the others on this list, he did not feel compelled to turn himself into a cartoon cyborg. However, he did get a little creative with some basic photoshop tools and gave himself a virtual dental visit.

Nice Chompers!

Nice Chompers!

He almost fooled us; with a little more finesse, he could have created the illusion of real white teeth. Instead, he simply whitened his teeth to the point of being unnatural.

A Chiseled Jawline

We understand that you want to look your best in photos at times. A blemish on the skin can put a damper on a nice photoshoot, and you may only need to spruce things up a little. It is perfectly reasonable. A little touch-up here, a little smoothing there, and a complete reshaping of your beard…so that you resemble a Lego figurine.

A Chiseled Jawline

A Chiseled Jawline

Apart from the jokes, this retouching job is seriously bad, and the ‘artist’ managed to turn a perfectly human face into a complete disaster. His beard appears to have been drawn on with a sharpie.

Oculus Reparo

Anything can be fixed with a little digital tinkering. Wrinkly skin, your waistline, air, heck, even our eyesight are all things we should be concerned about. This woman decided that taking off her glasses for the photo wasn’t enough. She might as well ditch those bothersome spectacles since she was already “getting some work done.”

Oculus Reparo

Oculus Reparo

At the end of the day, there isn’t much of a difference! We’re grateful for that, considering what other people have done. So, perhaps she’ll go with contact lenses next time.

Blue-Eyed Beauty

This already attractive young man felt compelled to take it a step further and transform himself into his own digital avatar. The soft pastels are lovely, but the whole look is a little more than a touch-up.

Blue Eyed Beauty

Blue Eyed Beauty

We must call him out if he was attempting to pass this off as genuine. But if he was attempting to be a little “artistic,” we can only say “more power to you!”

The Main Course

This guy looked seriously dapper as he sat down in what appeared to be a serious restaurant, or perhaps even his own home. But no, the velvet blue tuxedo was clearly insufficient. He had to cover his entire face as well.

The Main Course

The Main Course

With what do you inquire? Photoshop, maybe? We also admire her sweeping blond hair, which, dare we say, resembles that of a certain former president. Regrettably, we think the poster’s actual face is adorable!

Snow White

It’s fun to experiment with all of the wonderful features our phones have to offer, and thanks to the abundance of apps, we have a lot of options. It’s only natural to go wild when the world is your oyster! This woman (or is it a ghost?) decided that erasing all of her facial contours would be the best option because she didn’t like them.

Snow White

Snow White

If only we could convince her otherwise. Unless this is a ghost attempting to give itself a human face, in which case you should turn off the filters and let us communicate with the great beyond.

Freakishly Tall

We’re going to take a risk and say that this image is definitely exaggerating the truth. Please excuse the puns, but this manipulated photo did its best to stay true to the truth.

Freakishly Tall

Freakishly Tall

This woman’s natural proportions aren’t quite right with those stretched legs. To be honest, it almost appears that another person is hiding beneath the dress. Maybe it’s two kids attempting to imitate an adult?

Revenge of the Frenemy

Every one of us has a friend we secretly despise. When you go to social events, you sometimes wish someone in your group would just stay at home. And this girl was obvious about it.

Revenge Of The Frenemy

Revenge Of The Frenemy

She decided should gain a few pounds around the midsection thanks to the wonders of photoshop. She also used the occasion to spruce up her chest area. Go all out when you’re in Rome!

Eye Glitch

Even with all of the apps and software available, editing photos still requires a certain amount of skill and, most importantly, attention to detail. While retouching her face, this woman had no such thoughts.

Eye Glitch

Eye Glitch

As you can see, her work around her bangs went awry, and a few strands of hair appear to be floating below her eyes. Hair doesn’t usually hang across the face like that. But, hey, it looks good if you don’t look too closely.

A Tough Choice

Although Instagram filters are designed to enhance the original photo, we have to say that in this case, the filter does not do this woman justice. In fact, you can’t see the details of her face at all!

A Tough Choice

A Tough Choice

The sweet little sunny flair is nice, but this gal went a little too far. Option A, where you can see her face, is the one we are going with.

Swipe Right!

Editing photos for a dating app is a surefire way to land those dates (who cares about the second date!). It’s all about first impressions, though this one is a little off-putting.

Swipe Right!

Swipe Right!

This could be his face, but we’re not sure. Yes, it appears heavily retouched, but it also appears to have been cut and pasted onto another body. Something about the size of the head and the contours makes it look phony.

Hey, Brow

This guy didn’t give a damn if he had to accentuate his best features at the expense of his entire face! While the Kardashians have taught us to value a good set of brows, this guy completely ruins that.

Hey, Brow

Hey, Brow

It appears that they were simply drawn on with a sharpie. Come on, man, you’re capable of a lot more. It’s all in the small stuff. Not two thick lines, but gorgeous sweeping brows.

The Hourglass

The hourglass figure is in high demand. This curvaceous look is undeniably attractive, which is why so many women resort to photo editing apps in order to achieve it.

The Hourglass

The Hourglass

It’s also why so many women go overboard with this one, to the point where their bodies appear incapable of containing organs. Unless you’re an 18th-century woman who slept in a corset her entire life, we all know the body doesn’t work that way.

Rocker Chic

Increase the contrast to intensify the emo vibes. She is clearly trying to let us know that we’re in a metal music video. Let’s not even talk about those eyes.

Rocker Chic

Rocker Chic

You might just be able to see the white part of the eyeballs popping out here and there if you look closely enough, potentially exposing how fake they are. Nooo…

Eye See You

The bug-eye feature was chosen by these two girls to draw attention to themselves. We’ll never know why they thought it looked good. To be honest, we’d prefer to concentrate on the stunning scenery they’re in.

Eye See You

Eye See You

In any case, neither of the ladies appears to be human. They appear to be aliens who are incredibly proficient at trying to impersonate humans, even though they’re not entirely convincing.

What a Great Diet

This Swedish TV personality tried “the Photoshop diet,” a hot new diet craze. All you have to do is go about your business as usual while utilizing some of the program’s excellent tools to slim down your physique.

What A Great Diet

What A Great Diet

The end result is incredible. But, to be honest, we’re all about the natural look, and this beauty didn’t have to go to all that trouble. In the retouched version, we can also see that her head is a little too big for her body.

Purple Perfection

Make-up application is difficult and requires meticulous attention to detail. Avoiding smudges also takes a lot of effort. But if you have a phone, a computer, or any other digital device, all you have to do is draw it on.

Purple Perfection

Purple Perfection

This, on the other hand, should not be used as an example because the eye has no texture and the “artist” has made no attempt to make it look like actual makeup. This is just a black lining around the eye that was painstakingly drawn.

Image Distorted

The lack of specificity in photo editing, particularly on a smartphone, is unfortunate. When you tweak an image, it can sometimes result in the entire image being distorted.

Image Distorted

Image Distorted

This young lady tried to slim down her face, but she bent her entire phone in the actual process. Doesn’t seem quite right to you, does it? Was it a new release phone?

Mr. Cool

The guy on the right appears to be a very cool and down-to-earth individual. Who’s the guy on the far left? Isn’t it his more flamboyant twin brother? That’s not the same guy after a sloppy photoshop job.

Mr. Cool

Mr. Cool

That hair sheen is unmistakably fake, and the unusual shape he ‘manscaped’ into his beard begs the question: why? On closer inspection, even those tattoos appear to be a little fake.

How Original

Okay, you and the rest of the world have a problem with a little extra padding around the midsection. It’s not easy to stay in excellent shape, but we can all dream, right? This woman, like millions of others, put her computer skills to good use and slimmed down.

How Original

How Original

The face gives it away, as it appears to be either the result of a botched facelift or the result of poor photoshopping skills. Unfortunately for her, the truth about herself was exposed. It’s entirely up to you.

Bug-Eyed Girl

Without a doubt, the eyes are the window to the soul. But we’re not sure where these woman’s eyes are leading us, and wherever they are leading us, we don’t want to go. Regrettably, it appears that she mistook one of the amusing features for a genuine face-tune.

Bug Eyed Girl

Bug-Eyed Girl

Obviously, these are the eyes you send your friends to make them laugh, not the kind you’d use to entice a lover. Perhaps we should give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she just wanted to laugh.

Her Good Side

Yes, we all have a good side. When you turn your head to the side of your face, everyone goes, “daaamn.” We’re going to say, “Damn alright.” This woman decided that a nice shot of her profile wasn’t good enough, so she tweaked it a little more. What’s the end result? Skin that appears to be made of plastic.

Her Good Side

Her Good Side

Aside from the skin, there’s a strange little bridge between her lips and nose that appears to have been digitally altered. You can strive for perfection, but it’s uncommon for it to appear genuine.

Arm Candy

While we all want to appear to be the most attractive and attractive versions of ourselves on social media, sometimes it’s enough for our significant other to command all of the attention. What better way to feel good about yourself than to be wrapped in the most delectable arm candy?

Arm Candy

Arm Candy

This person went so far as to obscure his own face! The woman, in all honesty, was the one who thought she’d blur out her boyfriend. It’s possible that the latter is the true story behind this bizarre face-tuned photo.

Fake vs. Real

We’ve all been guilty of sharing a thirst trap on social media. That can sometimes go really well, and it can feel great to be the center of attention. Things can also go wrong, and your unfiltered self can resurface on the internet, causing a lot of embarrassment.

Fake Vs. Real

Fake Vs. Real

This is what happened to her. She looked less like a human and more like a 2D plastic character thanks to the fake eyeliner, red lips, and clearly retouched nose that almost looks like rhinoplasty.

Couple Goals

What a stunning couple, or at the very least, what a stunning girlfriend with her crystal blue eyes and dazzling white teeth. Our guy over here appears to be on the average side of things.

Couple Goals

Couple Goals

We’re not sure why. Maybe it’s because he didn’t use a thousand filters to make his face look prettier. His lady could have been more generous and filled in the gap between his teeth. It’s almost unfair, with her pearly whites looking so perfect.

Good Genes

Other than seeing the total fakeness of it all, comparing the person to other family members is one of the best ways to spot a fake photo. These two didn’t seem to like their mother’s dental situation.

Good Genes

Good Genes

So, of course, they assumed that some good old digital teeth whitening would suffice. It saves time, money, and the stress of having to sit in the dentist’s chair, which no one wants.

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall…

Running away from Father Time is only natural. There’s no getting away from him once he’s got you. However, this woman believed she had put up a valiant fight against the wrinkles by using a filter that was reasonably natural-looking.

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall...

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall…

Unfortunately, she forgot to work on her reflection when she took this selfie in front of the mirror. Damn, we’ve finally seen your true self. But don’t be concerned! Girl, there’s nothing wrong with this!

TV vs. IRL

When you’re on television, you have to maintain a certain image. Unfortunately, this woman forgot about this fact and posted a super face-tuned selfie as a result. She appears a little too fake with a softened lens and flawless skin.



Someone spotted her and shared a screenshot of the photo on social media. Yes, it’s savage. But, as we see it, who cares. In any case, no one looks perfect all of the time.

Simply a Vision

Kathy Griffin, you gave your all. You blurred out your entire face in an attempt to make yourself look younger. In fact, looking at that makes us think there’s a problem with our eyesight!

Simply A Vision

Simply A Vision

We hope that you can find some humor in this as one of the funniest women in Hollywood. As well as thank you for not tampering with that delectable-looking platter.

Blow-Up Doll

When your poor face has been disfigured to the point where it resembles a blow-up doll! We’re not sure why this person thought this looked good with those creepy eyes and humongous lips that look literally inflated.

Blow Up Doll

Blow Up Doll

There’s also the blatantly retouched beard we have going on over there. At the very least, the mirror didn’t expose him, though even with the mirror, you could tell it wasn’t real.

Spot the Difference

It’s past time for us to acknowledge that only a small percentage of the world’s population has healthy skin. And if they do, it’s either due to genetics or a time-consuming, effort-intensive, and costly skin routine.

Spot The Difference

Spot The Difference

Of course, if you don’t have any of those things, you can always go all out on Instagram! In just a few clicks, you will look like a Hollywood star.

A Little Trim

Someone felt compelled to bring her to the attention of the public. Poor woman, she only want to live her life and look beautiful. Get out of here, troll comments.

A Little Trim

A Little Trim

As a result, she tried to give herself some sweet chin definition in her most recent selfie. She is far from the first person on the planet to do so.

Sprout Social

We have everything you could possibly need to improve your editing skills and make your gram as fancy as you want! For frequent Instagram users, the ability to schedule posts in advance is a game-changer. You can plan out your content calendar without having to worry about crafting posts in real-time if you use Instagram scheduling.

Sprout Social

Sprout Social

Sprout also aggregates your Instagram notifications, ensuring that you never miss a shout-out from your followers. Sprout’s Instagram analytics also show you which of your posts are the most popular. This enables you to continue producing the content your followers crave on a regular basis.


Photo cleanup and graphic design tasks can both be accomplished with BeFunky, which is a web-based photo editing tool that is incredibly versatile in its application. It is free to use.



Cropping, resizing, tilting, softening, sharpening, and a slew of other editing options are available through the full suite of editing tools. You are not even required to create an account in order to access the free version, which is an added bonus.


A photo that is otherwise perfect may require some slight tweaks. PicMonkey is great for improving selfies by removing wrinkles and reducing shine. PicMonkey can help you get the picture perfect photo every time, as images with a face get 38 percent more likes on Instagram.



PicMonkey, on the other hand, is not just for taking pictures of people. For example, the “Adjustments” feature is fantastic for creating epic, landscape-style photos with the camera.

Adobe Aviary

If you use an Adobe editor, you can rest assured that your photos are in good hands. Aviary is a simple yet powerful Instagram app with a slew of one-touch features.

Adobe Aviary

Adobe Aviary

Softening, sharpening, and experimenting with photo saturation may seem insignificant, but they can make all the difference in making your photos stand out. Aviary also has the ability to suggest edits on your behalf, which is a fantastic feature.


Looking for a place where you can learn how to design social media graphics from the ground up? Look no further. You don’t need to look any further than this page.



There are templates for everything from inspirational images to text-based photos to announcements, and everything in between and further afield. Canva has a diverse selection of templates to suit your every needs.


Infographics garner a great deal of attention on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, particularly when they are used to display data. As a result, why not do the same on Instagram?



For those times when you want to engage your followers with a data-driven post, Piktochart provides you with visually appealing templates that will help you in doing so successfully. Wow!


Furthermore, Framatic is a popular photo editing tool with over 20 million downloads that may be used to improve the appearance of your photographs. It is similar to Instagram in that it is entirely free to use.



The application contains 36 Instagram layouts that are totally versatile, 32 vintage borders, and 92 effects that can be added to photos in a short span of time. Truly amazing!

Square Sized

Square Sized, one of the most highly regarded resizing apps on the market, allows users to import pictures and videos from personal albums or Facebook and have them optimized for Instagram.

Square Sized

Square Sized

You may also use this program to edit your photos after they’ve been resized. You can choose from a variety of fantastic typefaces, as well as resize and rotate your text! You can even use many text layers to make a truly unique image!

Instagram Layout

Layout, Instagram’s own collage maker, may be accessed in your app store by searching for it. Collages can be made with images shot on the moment or from the memory card of your camera.

Instagram Layout

Instagram Layout

The Instagram Layout app is available for both iOS and Android smartphones and includes a variety of creative options for personalizing and making your collages even more “you,” such as normal Instagram filters.


Hyperlapse is an Instagram native app that also serves as a video editor. Hyperlapse, in a nutshell, is software that allows you to take time-lapse videos while moving.



This capability offers it a major advantage over similar tools, regardless of the fact that the tool’s built-in stabilizing technology allows it to roam around freely while attempting to direct.